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Skylar's POV

"So how are you liking it so far Dani?" I asked.

"Like what?" Danielle asked giving me a confused look.

"Camping." I replied.

"We just got here and all we've done, well what we're doing, is gathering wood for the campfire." Mary chuckled.

"You've got a point." I said.

"Well, either way I'm liking it so far, even if we're just gathering wood." Danielle giggled.

"I love it out here. It's peaceful." Mary said as she picked up a log.

"I agree and it's a good way to bond." I said and helped her with the log.

"Nature is just lovely innit?" Danielle said picking up a few sticks.

"It really is." Mary smiled looking around.

"Alright, we have a decent log and some sticks, I think we're good to go back, plus we don't want to walk too far away unless we want to get lost." I informed.

"Yeah, we don't want that." Mary chuckled.

"Not something I want on my first time of camping." Danielle replied.

We walked back to where the others were setting up camp. There were chairs for each one of us surrounding where the campfire would be and there was a small table with the s'mores.

"That's one fine looking log." Nick joked pointing at our log.

"Why thank you." Mary joked back. We placed down the log and Danielle did the same with the sticks.

"We're just waiting for AJ and Selena to get back." Brian said.

"Then soon we'll have the fire set up." Kevin added.

"And we'll be eating s'mores." Howie blurted.

"Of course. Can't forget the food right?" Ella said giggling.

"How can you? It's the best." Katherine added.

"I have to agree on that one." Devin joined in.

"I'm guessing we're all foodies." I laughed.

"Looks like it." Mary said.

"Which is great." Danielle giggled.

"Alrighty then, everyone can settle down or do something while we wait for AJ and Selena to return." Kevin announced and we all nodded.

Mary's POV

Howie and I decided to take a few photos of the nature surrounding us meanwhile the rest did their own thing.

"These will look great on the Wall of Memories." Howie cheered.

"Definitely." I agreed.

"Make sure to save some film so we can all take a photo together." Devin said walking up to us.

"I brought a whole new pack of film with me just in case. I'm always prepared." Howie smiled proudly and walked off.

"I created a photographer." I giggled.

"It's a nice hobby." Devin chuckled.

"Well I love photography and it's a great hobby." I agreed and Devin nodded.

"I was thinking of applying to being an extra in a movie." Devin shrugged.

"That sounds fun." I said.

"It'll be more fun with you there." He replied.

"Are you trying to hint to me that I should apply as well?" I gave him a playful glare.

"Well if you insist, you should." He joked.

"Then maybe I will." I laughed.

"Good, I didn't want to do it alone." He let go a sigh of relief. "It's not much but it's a start." He added.

"I have to agree on that, good way to kick off our acting career. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own movie." I joked.

"I'll be the leading character because I'm fabulous." Devin said making us both laugh.

"You're right, you really are. Now we should probably return with the others." I said. Devin nodded agreeing and we walked back to the camp.

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