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Nick's POV

Time passed and Selena and I are closer than ever and I'm glad we took a break. Kevin arragened a spring break roadtrip and bought a van to fit everyone in, including Ella, Katherine, Devin and Dani. It was gonna start next week. I am gonna propose to Selena. I became nervous and wanted to talk.

"Hey, B-Rok?" I said as we were watching a basketball game together.

"Yeah?" Brian replied.

"I wanna propose to Selena." I announced.

"Really?" He replied as he smiled.

"During the roadtrip to be special but I'm nervous... what if I do it wrong?" I asked.

"I'll help you." He assured me.

"I helped you before why wouldn't I do it now?" He asked.

"You have a good point." I agreed.

"We should ask AJ to help. When it comes to Selena he loves her and loves helping with surprising her." Brian chuckled.

"He does," I agreed. "I think she's the most important person to him besides Skylar."

"Wouldn't surprise me." He shrugged chuckling.

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