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"Hey!" Selena giggled smacking my arm.

"What?" I laughed.

"Don't do that." She replied laughing harder.

"Do what?" I asked playing dumb.

"Being silly. C'mon we need to gather firewood for camp." She said.

"Okay, okay." I replied raising my hands up in defeat. We continued walking and gathering wood.

Selena picked them and I carried what she gave me if it was too heavy for her. But she was strong on her own. She carried a log... or should I say dragged a log on the ground with her left hand. She looked exhausted but she never said anything about it. Which honestly made me admire her more. She was a hero and didn't even realize it. I think that's what made me connect to her.

She was her own person and didn't care what others think. She's sarcastic and witty. She's blunt and loyal. I love her more each day. Not romantically... of course. I find myself clinging to her because I trust her the most besides Skylar. I love them both more than anyone on this planet. Our adventure was silent but I don't think it's a bad thing. I consider it a blessing. We're closer than ever and we don't need to speak to have a conversation.

We went back to camp and reunited with everyone.

"Hey." Selena breathed as Nick and Brian came over to take the log from her.

"Why are you doing that to yourself?" Brian asked as he put his hands on his hips like a diva as Nick carried the log back to camp.

"I only wanted to help." Selena murmured awkwardly as she shrugged and looked down like a child would when they were in trouble.

"I was joking with you, Small Fry. Nice work there." Brian said chuckling. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Yeah." I agreed with a nod.

"Kevin will be impressed for sure that you two got pretty good logs for a camp fire." Brian replied.

"She found them, I carried them." I corrected him. Selena nodded and went back to camp.

"Why would you let her carry that huge thing on her own?" Brian asked.

"She said she could do it. She mentioned that she went to a camp once and they did someone's yard and she'd clean the sticks and logs off that yard." I explained.

"She could've hurt herself." He hissed.

"Yeah," I sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry you're right." I shrugged.


We ate dinner and had smores after. We were laughing and having fun.

"I love you." Skylar said squeezing my cheeks.

"I love you too." I replied but it sounded like wow.

"Get a room!" Katherine giggled.

"Yeah." Ella giggled along.

"I think it's sweet." Danielle said.

"Of course you do. You're a girl." Brian teased her.

"That has nothing to do with it." Mary argued playfully.

"I admit that before I went to America, I believed Americans were as stupid as the entire world believes. I dreaded moving here even though I couldn't wait to move away from my abusive parents and now ex-boyfriend. Not talking about you Brian by the way." Danielle said nodding at Brian.

"I knew." Brian winked at her.

"Anyways, once I moved to my aunt's home and met all of you I realized that I was wrong. I thought the only family I'd ever have would be my parents. But you're all my family. I don't belong in England... I belong here." Danielle finished smiling.

"We love you too." Devin said as he kissed her cheek which made her giggle.

"I can relate to a degree. I thought I'd never have true friends. I have an amazing family. But when it comes to friends that's another story. They realize early on that I'm a burden. I stop them from having friends. They're a laughing stock. But meeting you all, like Danielle, I was proven wrong." Selena said. Danielle looked back at her and hugged her close.

"Well I think I know what we should do." Kevin said.

"What?" I murmured

"How about we sing?" Kevin suggested.

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