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Mary's POV

"I didn't know!" Devin started to panic.

"Devin stop walking in circles it's making me dizzy." I chuckled at him. "And it's okay. You didn't know, it's not your fault."

"Sorry." He looked at me innocently.

"So do I call and tell them we can't go? It's a good opportunity to get our acting career going but we can't travel to the other side." Devin explained.

"You're right. And we can't possibly gain enough money for an airplane ticket." I groaned.

"We can skip the play and do more work." Devin gave me a mischievous look.

"We do have understudies..." I shared the same look with him.

"The Diner is ready to open." We heard the manager say loud enough for us and the other workers to hear.

"To be continued." Devin said.

We both went to our places ready to work for the next 3 hours. We didn't have many hours because we had class after and the manager was nice enough to let us free.

Though me and Devin didn't want to show up to theatre today, we had to. But we didn't want to. But it would look bad on our grade if we didn't. And Danielle did say she was going to talk to me on campus.


After work Devin practically raced to campus like we were racing for our lives. We still managed to be three minutes late but better than half an hour if we took our precious time.

"Run!" Devin shouted running to class and he dropped the play script.

"Don't forget the script!" I laughed at him as I picked it up.

"You're late."  I looked up to see Danielle sitting on a nearby bench under a tree.

"Oh Danielle, I have to go." I looked over to Devin who was already opening the door. He gave me a thumbs up meaning he'll cover for me. I can always count on him on making excuses for me.

"Please sit and listen so we can get this over with." She sounded annoyed.

I sighed sitting next to her. We stayed in silence for a moment before she said anything to me.

"Alright look." She turned her head facing me. "Brian and I are over. Obviously he's in love with you."

"Dani, I—"

"No shush. Let me finish." She interrupting, not letting me speak.

"I'm sorry for taking something that was never mine. In this case, it was..... will him. And it was wrong of me to do it even when you told me you liked him way before we met." She stopped to think for a second.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry. For everything I've done to you. You didn't deserve any of it. I didn't grow up having the best childhood, the best parents, best things in life, or a good boyfriend.... ex-boyfriend."

"I felt..... depressed about it... all of my life. And when I met Brian he made me feel wanted, like I mattered. He's the only one that knew the real me." She let out a faint chuckle.

"Knowing that you liked him, I thought you would've taken that comfort away. But I was wrong because all you did was suffer with everything I did, and never confronted me. And you still haven't..."

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