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Danielle's POV

"Hey Dani, can we go to the park?" Asked my younger cousin, Amelia who was only seven.

"I would love to. But you're going to have to ask your mum first." I replied.

"She's too busy baking brownies." She sounded bored but excited.

"Why not help?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Will you come along?" She asked.

"Of course." I nodded my head and gave her a smile.

She ran towards the kitchen with excitement. Before I entered the kitchen I got a text from Devin saying he was outside. Soon there was a knock at the door. I saw my aunt stop what she was doing, ready to head for the door.

"I got this aunt Eleanor." I said to her and walked to the door. I opened it and there stood a smiley Devin.

"Hey." Devin said.

"Come in." I motioned for him to come inside and he did. He waved hello to my aunt as we were passing by to the backyard. She gave him a warm smile and continued what she was doing.

"So what's up." I said sitting down on the swing that was being held up by a tree.

"First of all, nice home. Something about it feels cozy." Devin chuckled.

"Thank you." I gave him a smile.

"You didn't tell me you had a younger sister." He said leaning on the tree.

"Because I don't. She's my cousin. And... I never mentioned this to anybody.. besides Brian... but I live with my aunt, which you saw in the kitchen." I explained. He nodded.

"So where are your parents if you don't mind me asking." He said. I sighed thinking back at how I used to live with my parents back in England.

"Long story short, my parents weren't always good to me. In fact, my mother was so desperate to get rid of me for not being the brightest... and well.. here I am now, living with my aunt." I explained looking at the grass.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Devin grabbed my hand in a comforting way. I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile.

"Back in England my aunt was just like my mother... didn't want to marry for love but for power and the fact of becoming rich.. she didn't find that in our hometown so she moved here. She had twins with a man... something happened that had to do with him and that changed her but that's not my business." I started to rant for a while.

"She met another man. A good one. That's where Amelia comes in the picture. He showed her what love was really like. She became like a mother to me. She loved me... something my mother never showed me, or my father-"

"- She was broken, and I could relate to her. I could see myself in her. And then this man she met changed her entire life. Sometimes I wonder when my prince charming will come." I chuckled.

"Maybe he's standing right here and you don't know it yet." Devin said walking behind me and started to swing the swing.

"Is he?" I giggled lifting my legs from the ground as I was swinging back and forwards.

"I don't see a reason why he wouldn't." Devin stopped the swing holding the strings. I giggled and titled my head to my right, his face was inches away from mine with a smile planted on his face.

"Dani, is this your boyfriend?" Amelia said walking to us with a wide smile.

"Actually no." I responded.

"But hopefully we can change that." Devin whispered to Amelia making her giggle. I chuckled looking at them both.

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