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Mary's POV

It's been a few weeks since the amusement park concert. Kevin had said he wanted to have a spring break road trip for us all before they leave again for tour. He asked me if I could help him out choosing a place so I agreed.

"Hey Marvin." Howie came into the backyard where me and Kevin were sitting on a swing chair. Milo came running behind him before Howie picked him up.

"Marvin?" Kevin asked confused.

"It's both your names combined together. It's easier to say than to say your names separately." He shrugged.

"Right." Kevin replied.

"Well Mowie, what brings you here?" I giggled.

"I'm assuming that's me and Milo." Howie said looking at me. I nodded and he sat in the middle of me and Kevin.

"Just wanna know where we'll be going for the road trip." Howie said.

"We're still thinking of ideas." I answered.

"How about Antarctica?" He suggested.

"Antarctica in Spring?" I chuckled.

"Howie this is a Spring road trip not a Winter road trip." Kevin playfully hit is arm.

"And Winter is gone." I added.

"I wasn't being serious." He chuckled. "But we can still go." He shrugged.

"Next road trip." Kevin said.

"Well, smile for the camera." Howie placed Milo on the grass and then stood up with his camera pointing it at us. Kevin and I made silly faces until Howie took the photo.

"This is going on the Wall of Memories. Gotta fill it up." Howie smiled to himself and started to walk back inside.

"Don't fill it up too quick, we need space for the road trip photos and all our other adventures." Kevin shouted after him.

"Yeah I know." Howie shouted not looking back. I chuckled looking at Milo running beside him.

"I hate to leave you alone but I have to leave for my dance class." I sighed.

"You're back in your dance class?" Kevin asked.

"Yup." I said popping the P and stood up.

"How is it?" He asked.

"It's great...." I answered.

"But?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Lets just say my current dance partner isn't as great to dance with." I giggled. Kevin nodded in response.

"Why?" He asked looking curious.

"It's just his personality." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh right. Can't you switch?"

"I wish." I replied. "I'm trying to convince Devin to join me but he says he's not a dancer which I don't believe." I giggled.

"Maybe one of us could join you.... well not me." Kevin said shaking his head. I chuckled.

"I would take Nick. He was a great dance partner in high school. But I wouldn't use him just to switch partners. Plus, I'm sure he wouldn't wanna come along." I chuckled.

"Kill the guy with kindness. Maybe his personality will change." Kevin shrugged.

"Maybe." I replied.

"Well good luck then." Kevin waved goodbye. I waved back at him and started to walk back inside. Before I went inside I looked back to see Kevin tapping on his notebook with his pen repeatedly.

"Think of a place we would all like to go to. A place we'll have fun in." I said. Kevin looked up at me.

"Thanks, that'll help." He thanked me. I waved goodbye at him and then got changed to leave to my dance class.

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