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Nicks POV

"C'mon guys!" I shouted as I was holding my suitcase and bags. "Nick, keep it down. Maybe Mary's asleep." Kevin replied.

"At 8:30 PM?" I shot at him. I was excited to see Mary. I love her so much. But as friends. And I really needed to talk to her. I know Brian loved her. And Mary loves him back.

I still didn't know how to break up with her. I couldn't say, "Hey Mary. I never actually liked you. It was a simple crush. I know you love someone else, so date him."

It was too harsh. And maybe I was wrong. What if I am? What if she likes me? What if I dumped her for no reason? I mean....I had a reason. I didn't love her romantically. But what if she thought I was cheating? I wasn't. Ugh, I'm getting a headache just thinking about all of this at one time.

"You comin', Nicky?" Aj interrupted my train of thoughts. I nodded in response and we went inside.

"Surprise!" I heard voices cheer. It was Mary, Danielle, and some dude I didn't know.

"Baby!" Danielle cheered hugging Brian. I looked over at Brian and he met my gaze giving a frown. "Hey, sweetie. What are you doing here?" Brian asked. "We threw a surprise party for you." She replied.

"Hey man." Kevin said walking over to the guy and shaking his hand. "I'm Devin." He replied shaking Kevin's hand. "Kevin." Kevin replied.

"Oh.. I know. I mean.. I-uh..." Devin couldn't finish.

"He likes your music." Mary said on his behalf. "This is so dope." Aj replied. "Well let's get this baby started." Howie added turning on the music.

"Hey." I said facing Mary. "Hey." She repeated in a whisper. "I know this is rude. But I need to take a walk.... I'll be back soon." I said.

"Yeah sure. But we need to talk after." She replied. I just nodded my head and left.

I walked to the mall. Somehow the mall was my ideal space for relaxing. I sat on a bench to think. I was still stressing over how I'd break up with her.

But at the same time I was wondering what she meant by, "We need to talk after." Did she wanna break up? Or did she just simply missed me.

"You okay, there?" I heard a voice. I turned and it was a girl. She was short, with brown hair and blue eyes. She was pretty. She stood there in front of me holding a suitcase and purse.

I noticed her right hand had a scar. Not the injury type. I didn't wanna ask but I was curious. She must've noticed because she then said, "I have cerebral palsy and right spastic hemiplegia."

"Oh.... you did? I didn't notice." I lied trying to not make her feel bad. She rolled her eyes and sighed loud. "You can ask. It's no big deal. I don't know why people are just so terrified at asking me but are more willing and happy to stare." She groaned.

Great, I just embarrassed and angered her in less than a minute. Way to go, Nick.

"I'm sorry." I said blushing and looking down in embarrassment. "It's okay." She replied sitting down beside me.

"Bad first impression, huh?" I was half joking. Maybe if she laughed we could move forward. "Yeah." She answered with no hesitation.

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