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Mary's POV

Time seemed to go fast. The boys were going on in fifteen minutes. I stayed back here sitting on a chair near a table waiting until they went on stage. After a few minutes they all came walking back.

"You guys ready?" I asked standing up.

"Ready as we'll ever be." Howie replied.

"I'm excited." Nick smiled widely.

"You guys are on soon. Like really soon. So let's all group hug for luck." Skylar said as she approached us and Danielle was behind her.

We all laughed and did a huge group hug. But it didn't feel completely right. There was one person missing.

"Where's Selena?" Nick frowned letting go.

"She went to the bathroom. But it's been a while." I said.

"Is she okay?" AJ asked.

"I'll go check on her." I said and they all nodded.

I fast walked to the bathrooms and went inside.

"Selena?" I called out but there was nobody inside and no sign of her either. As I was about to walk out I noticed a ring was on the ground and I picked it up. I looked at it closely and it was the promise ring Nick had gave to Selena on Christmas. I ran out the bathroom and back to the group.

"She's not in there." I quickly said.

"Then where did she go?" Brian asked.

"Maybe she got lost?" Kevin added.

"I don't think so." I said and everyone looked at me confused. "I found this on the ground in the bathrooms." I held up the ring and everyone shared confused looks.

Nick looked shocked and I could tell he started to worry. I gave him the ring and he put it inside his pocket safely.

"What happened to her? Where is she?" Nick started to panic and started to walk back and forwards.

"It's gonna be alright man." Kevin tried to comfort him.

"The ring probably fell and she didn't notice." AJ added but his tone in his voice wasn't as calm.

"We need to find her." Nick said.

"You're on in two minutes." The manager said.

We all looked at each other with worried looks.

"We need to find her." Devin blurted.

"What about the show?" Dani asked.

"It's gonna have to be delayed." Skylar said.

"One minute." Shouted the manager, waving for the guys to get ready to go on stage.

"You guys go, you need to start your concert at some point. We'll stay back in case we see any sign of her." Skylar said.

"Alright." AJ nodded with a concerned look.

"Anything you find, any clue, let us know." Nick said and they went off to the stage for the concert to start.

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