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Mary's POV

Nick and I entered the house laughing at each other for being so competitive at Just Dance. We've been dancing together since our dance class in high school. Yeah we haven't hung out lately, besides our date we just had, but it was still fun and we still had our dancing skills.

I noticed Selena, Brian and the rest of the gang were all in the living room.

"Hey." Howie greeted.

"Hey." Nick and I replied at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Seems like you two had fun." Brian said.

"We did." Nick responded and I nodded.

"What's up? Why is everyone here?" I asked.

"I had an idea and I wanted to talk to them if it was a good idea or not. We've just been waiting on what you guys think." Selena explained.

"And what's the idea?" I asked.

"Well... since we switched boyfriends for a day and the day isn't over yet, I was thinking to finish it off we share a kiss with our "boyfriends". And Howie will take a photo of each of our kisses for his Wall Of Memories." Selena explained.

"So what do you guys think?" Kevin looked at both me and Nick.

"If you guys agreed to do it I guess I'll do it." I shrugged and agreed. I then looked at Nick for his response.

"If you're all okay with it then I'm okay with it too." He simply said.

"Great." Selena chuckled.

"I have the camera ready. Mary and Nick, you guys could go first." Howie spoke getting ready with his camera in his hands.

I looked at Nick and he gave me an encouraging smile. I returned it back.

"It can be any type of kiss right?" I asked looking at Selena and Brian.

"It can." Brian replied.

I nodded and looked back at Nick. We've kissed in the past like when he first asked me to be his girlfriend, a year ago. I thought it would be odd to kiss him considering we weren't together but everyone seemed to be okay with it.

"Five... four.... three..." Howie started to count down.

Nick gave me a bear hug from behind. I turned my head to the right but slightly turned to the left so he was able to kiss me. I smiled and Nick kissed my cheek. Two seconds later the flash went off once Howie took the photo.

"That wasn't a kiss." AJ blurted out.

"You said any type of kiss." Nick said letting go of me.

"I agree with Nick. Plus it's a cute photo." I chuckled.


Nick POV

"Okay it's Selena and Brian's turn." Howie beamed. I felt instant jealousy.

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