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Danielle's POV

I was excited to go camping. I had never camped before. My parents were too "important" to do do such a thing. I am much happier in America than I am back at home. I've never spoken to my parents since I moved but only once after I broke up with Mark. They were yelling at me and screaming at me about "being a brat." But I knew Mark would get worse if I stayed longer.

Even though I am over Brian completely. I will forever be grateful to him. He taught me love and taught me to be myself for not only him, but for my other family members and friends. He took me out of a toxic relationship. He taught me to stand up for myself. Brian is still my hero, even though I love Devin now. I don't think that'll ever change.

"Dani?" Devin said tapping my shoulder which snapped me back to reality.

"Yeah?" I replied looking at him.

"We're here." AJ chuckled as Kevin stopped the van. I hummed in response and everyone got out.

"Alright, we all should chip in around camp. We won't stay long so let's not act too crazy and keep this place clean not only for future campers but for mother nature." Kevin beamed.

"Are you sure you're not the father of the group?" Brian teased which made everyone laugh.

"Anyways," Kevin sighed. "I think the guys should set up camp and the girls can gather up wood for fire."

"Don't we get a say in what we want to do?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I'm just trying to make work equal." Kevin replied.

"I'll do anything. I love camping." Selena said.

"You've done it before?" Devin asked.

"A few times with my family." Selena giggled.

"Well you wouldn't overwork yourself either way hun. I wouldn't let you." Nick assured her.

"Okay," Kevin shouted. "I suggest everyone contribute on anything they'd like. But Selena I know you have trouble so if you need more rest than the others that's okay." Kevin finished.

"Thanks." Selena replied.

"But why does she get to be special?" Howie asked.

"Isn't it clear?" AJ groaned as he smacked the back of Howie's neck. Howie groaned in response.

"No arguing!" Kevin demanded. "Selena, no offense," Kevin said looking at Selena.

"None taken." Selena assured him.

"She has more challenges than the rest of us. She shouldn't work herself too hard. She is stronger and better than us just being herself but physically we are stronger." Kevin said.

"I was just kidding. I get it." Howie said shrugging.

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