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Selena POV

"Where you going today?" AJ asked as he sat my bed that I share with Nick.

"I'm not quite sure. Maybe the movies?" I shrugged.

"Well where's Brian?" AJ asked.

"I don't know but I asked Nick to sleep on the couch last night. It feels weird to wake up next to my boyfriend and get ready for another." I laughed awkwardly.

"Makes sense." AJ agreed.

"I think so." I replied. "What are you gonna do today?"

"I'm triple dating with Howie and Kevin." AJ answered.

"Sounds like fun." I said nodding.

"Well I hope you have a good time." AJ said and left the room and shut the door. "You too!" I called out.

I got dressed and wore a casual dress. It was a light purple dress. I wore my special shoes and Skylar and Danielle helped me with my makeup.


"What are we gonna do today?" I asked Brian.

"There's a college party tonight." He said.

"When?" I asked.

"At seven." He answered.

"What are we gonna do until then?" I asked giggling.

"Well we could go to the movies but the only movies playing for the next few hours is that new Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker movie and Marriage Story."

"I saw that Star Wars movie with Nick two weeks ago and I honestly am not the biggest fan of it. But I did like Adam Driver in it. And I know he's in Marriage Story and I want to see it but Nick's not interested." I replied giggling.

"Marriage Story it is, then." Brian chuckled.

"Great." I replied.

"It'll start in two hours though so wanna go eat and maybe shopping?" Brian asked.

"Sure." I answered.


We ate at Burger King and went to a thrift store for fun. I saw The Heart Of The Ocean necklace from Titanic and was in awe.

"You like that?" Brian asked.

"It's beautiful. Rose wore it in Titanic." I beamed.

"I can get it for you." He offered.

"No, no, no. You don't have to." I said.

"I already bought you a dress and today you are my girlfriend and I wanna spoil you." He said giving me a cheeky smile. I felt my face go red and smiled.

He bought it and helped me put it on. We walked because we wanted to make the best of today.

"You know roses are pretty." I said.

"You want roses?" He asked.

"No... I mean they're beautiful but the name Rose is beautiful." I replied.

"Yeah, it is." He agreed.

"Someday I'll have a daughter and I'll name her Rose." I said.

"Well then go for it." He encouraged.

I saw a familiar face. It looked like my ex, Chris from highschool. He looked at me and smiled running to me.

"Selena?" He beamed.

"Chris?" I replied.

"Yeah... been awhile. How have you been?" Chris asked.

"Great. Did you move here?" I asked.

"No but I'll be here for a week or two." Chris answered.

"Oh." Brian faked cough.

"Your boyfriend?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, sorta." I answered.

"Sorta?" Chris said.

"I'm trading boyfriends with a friend for a day." I explained.

"Okay well can I get your number maybe we can be friends again?" Chris offered.

I hesitated for a moment. Mary and Nick were still friends despite breaking up and Brian and Dani are like that too. I agreed and gave it to him.

"Well I'll text you later?" Chris asked.

"Sure." I agreed and he left.

"Who was that?" Brian asked.

"Ex boyfriend." I answered.

"From high school?" Brian asked.

"I was in nineth grade and it only lasted for a day." I said.

"A day?" He repeated in shock.

"I wanted him to meet my parents at a football game that next week and he said no." I explained.

"Sounds like he was hiding something if you ask me." He shrugged.


The movie started and I was nervous. Mary did say I could cuddle but what if Brian didn't like that? I thought. I sighed and cuddled with him. I looked up at him for a reaction but he gave me a warm smile.

Brian's POV

I smiled and we enjoyed the movie. By the end Selena was crying and I comforted her. To kill the time we went to the mall and hung out. By six thrity we went to the party early.


The party was fun and Selena and I danced like there was no tomorrow.

"Selena!" I shouted.

"Yeah?" Selena replied.

"I'm having a lot of fun!" I shouted.

"Me too!" She shouted.

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