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Mary's POV

"Alright picture time before we leave." Howie cheered as we all threw away our plates.

"Ever since Mary gave you that camera you've become nothing but a photographer." Kevin sighed.

"Who are you and what have you done with Howie?" Skylar giggled.

We all gathered together and smiled at the camera.

"Let's take another. This time you be in the photo. I'll take the picture." I said taking his camera.

"Thank you Mary." Howie thanked me and ran to pose.

"Anytime." I smiled and took a photo.

After that we drove back to the hotel. We all went to Skylar, Ella, Danielle and Katherines hotel room that they were sharing.

"I'm exhausted, I could pass out right here right now." Katherine said flopping onto her side of the bed.

"It's true. She can sleep anywhere. And she's a heavy sleeper too." Ella giggled.

"Let's play a game." Skylar suggested.

"What game?" I asked. We all stayed quiet for a moment, thinking.

"Just Dance!" Nick blurted out.

"We don't have the stuff we need for it." Danielle pointed out.

"She's right." Selena agreed.

"How about truth or dare?" Devin suggested.

"I'm in." Brian shrugged.

"Me too." AJ said.

"Me three." Kevin added.

"We'll all play." Skylar laughed.

We all sat in a circle and played the game for about two hours. We started to get bored of it. Mostly because we would stop and think for a dare or truth to say.

"Let's play Uno." Nick said bored.

"This didn't work out as we planned." I chuckled. "And we don't have Uno cards." I added looking at Nick.

"Oh but we do." Nick gave me a smirk and took out a pack of Uno cards from my small backpack I had with me.

"Wait, how'd they get in there?" I asked confused.

"You didn't steal them did you?" Selena furrowed her eyebrows at him confused.

"Nope." Brian chuckled.

"When you and Selena went to the bathrooms, me and Brian went to a gift shop nearby and bought the Uno cards." Nick explained.

"And since you left your backpack with us Mary, we put them in there." Brian added.

"Right." I laughed.

"Well that's a good thing. Otherwise we wouldn't be playing anything." Selena said.

Nick took out the cards and attempted to shuffle them but they scattered on the floor. Kevin sighed and chuckled before taking them and shuffling them the right way. Then he gave 7 cards to each of us.

After playing three games, this one was getting to a tie where Nick, Skylar and Ella where the ones with the least cards. Nick had two, Skylar had two as well and Ella had three.

It was AJ's turn and he smirked at Nick.

"I don't like that look." Nick playfully glared at him.

"Good. You shouldn't." AJ chuckled and placed a +4 card. Nick groaned and got four cards meanwhile AJ chose the next colour.

"This is my last red card." Katherine pouted putting down her card.

"Same. But that's one less card." Devin said putting down his after her.

"Uno!" Skylar loudly said putting down her red reverse card.

"That was my last red." Devin sighed and took a card from the pile.

"Good luck Dev." Katherine laughed and put down another red reverse card.

"Have I become a target now?" Devin said making us all laugh. He reached to grab another card. "Thank you for giving me a red card." He smiled before he put down a red skip.

"I hope your last card is a red." I said looking at Skylar and placed a red reverse.

"Better than that. Thanks Mary." Skylar smirked and placed down her last card. It was a  +4.

"I win!" Skylar cheered.

"That could've been me if AJ hadn't given me a +4." Nick sighed.

"Don't worry. We can always play again." Selena giggled standing up and giving him a hug.

"I was close too if you two didn't place down the reverse cards." Ella said.

"Better luck next time." Katherine giggled.

"It's late." Kevin said pointing at a clock.

"How is it one in the morning already?" Howie said.

"Time flies when you're having fun." Danielle answered.

"We should all get some sleep. Tomorrow's our last day here and I know exactly where we're going." Kevin smiled.

"Where's that?" Brian asked.

"It's a surprise." Kevin replied.

"Mysterious." Nick chuckled as he was helping AJ putting the cards away.

We all then said our goodbyes and left to our rooms. I wondered what Kevin had in surprise for us.

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