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Mary's POV

Everyone looked at me when I told them it was my fault. But Nick seemed more troubled than the rest. Aj was shocked. Kevin, Howie and Brian just stood there waiting for me to continue.

"What do you mean it was your fault?" Nick quickly asked.

I closed my eyes and answered him. "It's my fault she fell."

"She found a letter and pressured to tell you guys about it, which I was. On my own time. And so it got to me and I  called her.... one armed girl." I whispered the last part.

Nick stared at me in horror. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"How could you possibly say that to her?" Nick almost raised his voice but was calmed down by Kevin.

"I-I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. I regret it and if I could take it back you know I would. I didn't mean for her to get hurt, it wasn't my intention Nick."

"Please just go." He left to the other side and sat alone, hiding his face in his hands.

Aj shook his head at me in disappointment before leaving to comfort Nick.

"Maybe you should just go home. Give Nick some time to cool off, we'll keep you updated." Kevin said to me. 

"Sorry I'm late. I had to convince the teacher to let our understudies take our place in the play." Devin came in out of breath informing me.

"Was he part of this too?" Nick got angry when he noticed Devin. Knowing that he was there too, he must've thought he was part of it. But he's wrong.

"Nick of course not." I answered.

Kevin went to his side calming him down again. Howie told me it would be best to just get out of there. They all decided to stay there. Not only because they were worried, but also so Selena wouldn't be alone. Devin decided to give me a ride home since Howie and Kevin said it would be best, so we did.


I unlocked the house door and walked inside. Devin decided to stay with me, he didn't want me to be alone at a time like this. I felt guilty for what happened to Selena. And Nick was mad at me and so was Aj.

I flopped onto the couch and sighed looking up to the ceiling.

"I know you're blaming yourself right now but you didn't know." Devin sat on the floor next to me.

"I was the one who said it." I closed my eyes thinking back to the memory.

"You were pressured and you snapped. It happens. But it'll be alright, she'll be okay." Devin reassured me.

"I hope so." I murmured.

I stood up to sit straight looking for my phone in case Kevin updates me on what is going on at the hospital. I looked inside my jacket pockets but it wasn't there.

"Hey I think I left my phone in your car. Can I borrow your car keys to get it?" I asked Devin who was fidgeting with his keys.

"I'll go don't worry." He volunteered to get my phone and stood up.


Devin's POV

I opened the door and saw Danielle standing there with her hand in mid air ready to knock on the door I'm guessing.

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