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Mary's POV

I woke up and opened my eyes to see Howie's foot right in front of my face. I would've pushed it away but I didn't want to wake him up.... yet. But at least he had socks on. I kinda wish I would've brought my own tent but it's way too late for that.

I got up and opened the tent, a few drops of water fell on my hand but I didn't mind, it would dry off anyway. Outside it smelled like rain and dirt, if that makes sense. I looked at our stuff and they were all soaked. Good thing I wasn't the one who brought my car. Not that I have one anyway. I like to walk to places but having friends who do own cars... they always give me rides.

I went back inside to wake up Kevin and Howie. They were still sleeping and looked peaceful. If there was thunder going on I bet they wouldn't even wake up.

"Wake up guys!" I clapped my hands. If they were on a bed I would've been annoying and jumped on it. But in this case I couldn't.

Kevin groaned tiredly but woke up. Howie in the other hand was basically sound asleep.

"What time is it?" Kevin asked. I shrugged and picked up my phone. "Nine in the morning." I answered. Kevin nodded.

"Then we'll be home by noon." Kevin sighed. It was a three hour drive away. Which sucked.

Kevin stood up and went outside the tent. I followed behind him and when he saw all our soaked belongings he let out a frustrated sigh.

"I hope you like the smell of dirt and rain." I half joked. He gave me a forced smile and I chuckled.

We ended up putting everything away and back into the car. Well not everything..... Howie was still asleep in the tent. It was the only thing we needed.

"How much can he sleep." Kevin shook his head. I shrugged in response.

"Yesterday he said how if there was a wild bear here we could've been the ones to find it." I blurted. Kevin frozed for a moment taking in what I had just told him.

"I have an idea." He grinned evilly. I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment but then realised what he meant by "idea".

Kevin searched up bear growling sounds on his phone putting it on full volume and placed it outside the tent next to where Howie's head was. He nodded at me and placed play on the video. It started playing and Kevin and I both started to shake the tent.

"What is happening?" Howie said in a sleepy tone starting to wake up. "What is that noise!" He quickly came running out and tripped over air falling onto the dirt.

Kevin and I bursted out laughing seeing him on the ground. I kinda felt bad he got his clothes dirty but then again, Kevin and I had to carry all the wet stuff.

"What was that for!" Howie stood up giving us both a death glare.

"You wouldn't wake up!" I giggled.

"And we already took everything back to the car, thanks for your help." Kevin added.

Howie sighed rolling his eyes. "You could've woken me up."

"I tried that. You're a heavy sleeper." I said.

"I know." Howie smiled proudly.

Kevin chuckled and then had Howie help take the tent back to the car. On our walk back their was a sound of leaves being stepped on or something.

"Did you guys hear that?" Howie looked at Kevin and they shared a look before running off. I looked at the direction that the sound came from and saw a squirrel jump onto a log. I chuckled to myself and calmly walked back to the car. It was gonna be a long ride back.

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