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Mary's POV

The day of the gig was finally today after a week since we found out. Everyone was excited to be able to be here and the boys were even more excited for performing. It was going to be a good day..

"Here we are." Nick said excitedly looking out the window.

"First time we perform in an amusement park." Kevin added.

We all managed to ride in one car. Except for Devin and Selena. He had took her to her class she had so they would be late. Dani and Skylar decided to ride together so they were in a separate car.

Once the cars were parked we all walked backstage. The boys had to do sound check and all that preparing stuff so they were pretty busy. Meanwhile they did that me , Sky and Dani were checking out the amusement park.

We were walking around looking at the rides and the games that were there.

"I want to ride the Ferris wheel with AJ at night, I think it would be romantic and a nice view." Skylar said looking at the ride.

"You guys should do it." I encouraged.

"Hopefully." Skylar shrugged.

"I'll love to ride a roller coaster." I chuckled.

"I've never been on one." Danielle said.

"I have and I'll never go on one ever again." Skylar laughed.

"It looks scary at first but they're fun." I giggled.

"Hey Dani, since you and Devin are now officially together maybe he could take you. And if you get scared you can always hold his hand." Skylar teased her wiggling her eyebrows.

"Only if you ride it too." Danielle gave her a playful smirk.

"Deal." Skylar agreed and shook hands with her.

After a little while longer we made it back to the stage. It was starting to get full, and some of the fans were singing a song from the boys. I noticed AJ and Kevin peeked their heads and waved. The girls screamed and waved at them back before they left.

We giggled at their reaction. Luckily nobody knew us so we easily walked through the crowd and went backstage. We had to show the security our "staff badge", so he knew we were part of the event.

"We finished sound check, we already had something to eat, and our outfits are ready. Everything seems to be running perfectly." I heard Howie inform the others. They all nodded in response.

"The Park is really getting full." Skylar said as we approached them.

"And the fans seem super excited." Dani added.

"We're excited for your performance too." I said.

"We asked if we could go on some of the rides and the manager said it was fine." Nick said.

"But we might need security if there's too many people." Brian added.

"I think we would be fine. By the time the concerts over it'll be night." AJ said.

"Either way, we're definitely going on the rides." Kevin said and we all cheered.

"Alright guys, you're on soon, it's time to change into outfits." One of the dressers said.

"We'll be back." Howie said and they all left to get changed.

"Me and Dani are going to the side of the stage and wait there until the show starts." Skylar said. I nodded and they walked away while talking to each other.

I decided to stay back here and wait until Devin and Selena made it, just in case they somehow get lost or are confused.

Soon the boys returned and they were all changed. They were practicing some of their choreography. I looked at the time on my phone and noticed the concert would be starting soon.

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