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Nick's POV

"You think they'll agree to it?" I asked.

"Sure it's weird but it could be fun." Mary answered shrugging.

"Maybe." I replied nodding slowly.

"By the way, Selena told me before you left you'd be back the day after New Years. What happened? I kinda forgot." Mary asked giggling.

"Since it was snowing the flight delayed." I answered.

"Oh that makes sense." Mary replied.

"Should we ask 'em now?" I asked. Mary nodded and we went downstairs. Brian and Selena were watching The Originals. It was okay but Selena loves it and it's spin-off, Legacies. But they were talking about it.

"I am really enjoying Klaus and Hayley. They'd be a cute couple." Brian said.

"I know right. I love this show but it's been awhile since I seen it and. I forgot a lot of it but back at home I decided to re-watch it." Selena agreed giggling.

"But why am I getting the feeling that Elijah has feelings for her?" Brian asked.

"I think they get together at some point. But like I said, it's been awhile." Selena said.

"Okay." Brian replied.

"We should totally watch Legacies after this." Selena suggested.

"Why?" Brian asked.

"It's a spin-off of this." Selena answered.

Mary and I looked at each other and chuckled. This might be easier than I thought. I thought to myself. Brian and Selena looked at us with confused looks on their faces.

"Sorry." Mary giggled.

"What are you two up to?" Brian asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Nick and I thought of something strange but... interesting." Mary answered.

"What is it?" Selena asked.

"Well Saturday is Mary's next day off of work. Lately we haven't hung out like we used to and we miss each other." I answered.

"Easy. Hang out." Brian replied.

"Well we thought of switching partners." Mary added.

"What?" Brian and Selena said at the exact same time. They looked at each other and back at us.

"Sorry... I don't get it." Brian said.

"Saturday, Nick and I are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend and you're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend with Selena." Mary answered.

"But Brian and I don't like each other like that. Sure we're alike but it'd never work." Selena replied.

"Don't get me wrong I love you," Brian assured Selena as he looked at her. "But not romantically." He finished looking at me.

"It's not about that," I sighed. "I miss Mary."

"And I miss Nick." Mary added.

"So Saturday Brian's my boyfriend?" Selena asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"What are the rules though cuz there's gotta be some." Brian said.

"The only thing is no kissing, making out or more than that." Mary answered.

"As weird as this is I'll try it." Selena shrugged.

"Me too." Brian agreed.

"And after, I invited Skylar and Dani for a sleepover in my room, wanna join and talk about the day? I feel like we should talk more." Mary asked Selena.

"Sure." Selena agreed.

"Then it's settled." I said.

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