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Mary's POV

Skylar left a few minutes after we did Selena's makeup and hair. Brian informed us on what was going on and I was super happy for Nick and Selena.

I went downstairs and saw Howie sitting alone on the couch with his computer on his lap. I went up to him and flopped next to his side.

"What's up Howie D." I giggled as I said his nickname.

"The sky." He looked at me giving me a cheeky smile. I playfully rolled my eyes at his response and chuckled.

"You wanna do something together?" I asked.

"Like what?" Howie replied with his eyes glued on the computer screen. I shrugged knowing he didn't notice.

"Hey, wanna prank Kevin?" I whispered at him in case Kevin was anywhere near us. Howie immediately stopped what he was doing and faced me with an evil grin knowing he already agreed.

"Alright, but what's it gonna be?" I asked. Howie stopped to think for a second and once he thought of something his face led up like a light bulb.

"He's been talking with Katherine, you know the girl from the party we went to?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Well.." he stopped to look around so nobody could hear.

"I can pretend to be her. I'll wear a wig that has the same coloured hair as hers and then you call him and tell him that "Katherine" is here to see him." He whispered his plan to me. I giggled at his plan and shook my head yes.

"That's genius... but where are we going to get a wig?"

"I have one...." he said awkwardly.

"Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It was on sale okay!" He put his hands up in a defensive way. "I knew it would come handy in some situation and this seems like the right one." We both laughed and agreed on doing the prank.

Howie went to his room for the wig and I went to mine to gather some of my clothes he could change into. If we were going to prank Kevin, we had to go all out. After he got changed we came back to the living room.

"Alright so how are we doing this?" Howie asked excited.

"You wait outside the door with your back turned and once Kevin opens it, he'll think it's her but when you turn around he'll be shocked because it's actually really you." We both shared a laugh but then immediately stopped so he wouldn't hear.

Howie went outside and stayed there waiting for his time to shine. I went back upstairs to Kevin's room and knocked on his door. Howie said to just call him but I thought this way would be easier.

"Hey Mary." Kevin said when he opened the door.

"Katherine is outside waiting. She said she came to see you." I bit my lip trying to hold my laughter inside. Kevin nodded and immediately went down stairs. I followed behind him. I was so not going to miss seeing this.

"Why did you leave her outside?" Kevin said as he opened the door. Howie was standing there with his back towards Kevin so he couldn't see him.

"Uh.. Katherine?" Kevin sounded confused. I smiled waiting for Howie to expose himself.

Howie then turned around with a wide smile and rested one hand on the door frame and with the other hand he flipped a strand of the wig hair back while still widely smiling.

I walked closer and saw Kevin with a horrifying look on his face. I bursted out laughing and so did Howie. Kevin rolled his eyes but laughed afterwards.

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