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Nick's POV

I went home excited. I had gotten Selena a pair of earrings and a promise ring for Christmas. I figured asking her to move in to my bedroom wasn't enough. I held the bags close to me in case Selena was home. I ran straight to my room and hid the bag in my closet and came back downstairs. I saw Mary and she looked upset.

"Hey Mary. You okay?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. It's just Brian, AJ, and Selena were in jail. Howie and I bailed them out." Mary answered.

"Where's Selena? Is she okay? Why were they there? What happened?" I asked terrified.

"Justin Timberfake was there. From that band who was at the party where Brian and Selena had their make up date. Remember him?" She asked.

"He harassed them and AJ punched him. They ended up fighting. Brian and Selena were trying to stop it before it started. I just don't understand why they were arrested. Maybe because they were there." Mary replied shrugging.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"In the kitchen. Everyone's there talking about it." Mary answered. We went into the kitchen and AJ was talking.

"I know it was stupid to get triggered over it. But it was mostly what he called Selena that bothered me." AJ explained.

"What did he call her?" I asked crossing my arms.

"AJ... it's not worth it. Remember what happened with Mary and I? Nick was really mad and upset." Selena reminded him.

"Selena, what did Justin say?" I insisted getting annoyed.

"He called her a one armed freak." AJ answered.

My blood boiled in anger. Nobody calls the love of my life that without getting away with it.

"I'm sorry I caused any trouble. But when I heard that I got mad. Selena is my best friend. I love her. I couldn't let him hurt her." AJ added.

"AJ don't be sorry about standing up for her." Skylar said comforting him.

"It was stupid of you to cause a scene like that, AJ. But.... Selena's apart of this family now. And we defend our family. So I won't give you a hard time for it. But you should pay Mary and Howie back. I won't ask Brian and Selena to do it since they weren't apart of it." Kevin said.

"Don't AJ. Like Kevin said, Selena's family. So consider it a Christmas gift." Mary insisted.

"Mary's right. It wouldn't be right." Howie agreed.

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