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Nick POV 

I was on my laptop ready to turn on Netflix when I heard footsteps. I looked up and it was Selena.

"Hey beautiful." I smiled wide at her.

"Hey darling." She said in her naturally thick country accent. I never admitted to her out loud about it but I loved her accent. I admit I'm a city boy and she's a country girl but I think that's why we're perfect for each other. Because we were different and we each brought something into the relationship the other didn't.

"Gosh, I love it." I chuckled.

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Your accent," I paused. "It's so darn pretty." I mimicked it in a way that wasn't mocking her and she laughed in response.

"Maybe that's why you get along with Brian so well." I teased.

"We're country people." She giggled.

"Don't you have a sleepover to get to?" I asked.

"I do," She sighed. "But Mary is letting me go late cuz I needed to talk to you and Brian and I just left Brian. We broke up." She giggled.

"I heard." I chuckled.

"But I wanted to tell you what happened today. It's not bad but I feel like I should tell you since we're together." She said.

"Are you getting back together with me?" I teased. She giggled and nodded yes.

"What is it?" I asked.

"While Brian and I were out I ran into my ex, Chris. That one who dumped me over meeting my parents at a football game?" She reminded me. I nodded and let her continue.

"We exchanged numbers because he and I agreed we should be friends. I figured since you and Mary's doing it and Brian and Dani are doing it that it was fine." She shrugged. It took me a second to process it and I was a bit jealous. Maybe I am insecure because while I was dating Mary, I knew Brian and her still loved each other and it lowed my self-esteem. But I didn't love her that way either. It was a silly crush but it still hurts a man's ego when a girl seems more interested in another guy than you. This is different. I didn't love Mary like I love Selena. Mary was a crush. But Selena's my soulmate. I thought. But I wasn't gonna tell Selena that.

"I'm okay with it." I half lied. I was scared this was gonna be just like Mary again. But at the same time I knew I should trust her. Selena's different.

"Okay." Selena nodded a little and smiled.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She replied.

"Love you more." I added.

"Love you most." She finished and we kissed softly. She got up and said, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I repeated as she left and shut the door.


Selena POV

"He got you that?" Skylar giggled as she held Mary's teddy bear.

"Yep." Mary replied.

"He's so cute." Dani giggled.

"His name is Nicky." Mary announced putting him next to her pillow.

"Did Brian get you anything?" Skylar asked me.

"He got me Rose's heart necklace." I answered.

"From Titanic?" Mary asked as her eyes widened. I giggled nodding in response.

"Where is it?" Skylar gushed.

"Where did he get it?" Dani added.

"Well," I started to say. "I'm wearing it but my PJS are hiding it." I finished as I showed it.

"Where did he get it?" Dani asked again.

"It was in a thrift store. It was like ten dollars." I answered. The three of them were in awe.

"It looks like the real deal." Mary smiled. "Brian gave me a heart necklace once in middle school but it's red."

"Was it that same one I saw when I moved out?" Dani answered.

"Yeah." Mary answered.

"Ahhh." Dani mumbled.

"I just realized something." Skylar said.

"What?" I replied.

"You three kissed the same guy." Skylar answered.

"No we didn't." Dani said. Mary was quiet for a few seconds and her eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"What?" I said.

"Brian," Mary whispered. "Skylar is talking about Brian. We three kissed him. And Selena counts even though they were a couple today." Mary explained. Dani's eyes widened of shock and she nodded slowly. Then we burst into laughter.

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