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Danielle's POV

I laughed non-stop as Devin said more and more jokes. I truly laughed. He was funny and a bit dramatic. But that's just him.

When I'm alone I still think about Brian and hurt. Yes, he loves Mary and she loves him. I understand that. But I dated Brian for awhile. I can't exactly let my feelings go quick. It's impossible.

Skylar's my best friend and she suggested I let myself miss him so I can get over him. Skylar has been the most supportive over the breakup. Which I'm grateful for. But when I'm with Devin it's like the pain almost goes away and I can be happy for once. Truly happy.

"Dani, I have something to say." Devin said as he gave me a cheeky smile.

"And what's that?" I asked laughing.

"You're beautiful when you smile. I mean you're always beautiful but your smile is beautiful." Devin awkwardly replied.

"Awww thank you." I said blushing.


Selena's POV

I looked at Brian and he gave me a cheeky smile when we walked in the party.

"What's that face?" I asked him furrowing my eyebrows.

"I know this is just a make up date. But I'm having lots of fun." Brian answered.

"I am too." I said smiling.

"Wanna dance?" Brian asked offering his hand.

"Sure." I accepted taking it.

He twirled me and I laughed as we went to the dance floor. Most of the songs were jumpy and fun. And we had fun doing crazy dance moves that made us get glares and stares from people. But we didn't care. When it was a slow song we still danced.

"Selena?" Brian mumbled.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened since the accident." He replied giving me a warm smile.

"I am too." I replied.

"I know you and AJ have this best friend thing going on but can we be bestest friends?" Brian asked.

"Bestest isn't a word," I paused giggling. "We barely stopped arguing. Isn't that fast?" I asked giggling.

"First of all, I just made it a word. Second of all, Mary and Nick are best friends and I know Mary and I are taking things slow to be a couple but she's still my best friend. Who says you can't have more than one best friend in your life?" Brian asked.

"I guess nobody." I answered in a mumble.

"And besides AJ, you and I live together which means we can hang out and go....... shopping." He pointed out and sounding girly saying shopping.

I laughed and nodded.

"You have a great point there. Sure, we can be best friends." I said giggling.

"Besides, Nick is my very best friend. We're like brothers. Even though, Mary and him dated while I dated Danielle. But when we broke up and they broke up, he still let me knew Mary and I had feelings for each other. He's always been there for Mary not only cause they're best friends but for my sake. I knew I had feelings for Mary. But I denied it to myself and everyone else. Even when I ignored Mary for Danielle's sake he was there for her for me. I owe it to him to do the same." Brian explained.

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"He likes you. Actually... he loves you." Brian answered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He doesn't know it yet. And you love him too. You guys have that chemistry everybody sees. I owe it to him to care for you like he does Mary." Brian replied.

"Minus us being a couple at any point and making everything awkward." I added laughing.

"Yeah exactly." Brian agreed chuckling.


Nick's POV

Mary and I left the guys alone dealing with Justin. Will.... Kevin said we should leave so we wouldn't get in between whatever they were arguing about.

I mean Justin has his girlfriend, Britney. I still didn't understand why he was after Katherine like that. But that drama is over.

Mary and I were carefully watching Brian and Selena.

"Looks like they hit it off." Mary said smiling.

"Yeah, finally." I agreed chuckling.

"Well now that they're not avoiding each other like the plague let's have fun." Mary insisted.

"Okay." I agreed and did a waddle which made Mary and I both laugh.


Devin's POV

"Ok, open up."

Dani opened her mouth as I attempted to throw a blackberry fruit into her mouth but ended up missing and hit her on the cheek. She bursted out laughing and so did I.

"Your aiming is terrible." She said. I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"Wanna play a game?" She asked.

"What game?" I curiously asked.

"People would say we're "too old" for this game but..." she stopped for a second.

"Tag, you're it!" She got up and started to run away from me. I laughed at her and stood up going after her.

She was quick for a small girl. Not that there's anything wrong with that but man she can run. I started to run faster and ended up catching up to her.

"Got you." I grabbed her hand and twirled her around so she was facing me. She let out a cute laugh looking at me.

I stopped and tried to catch my breath. I walked backwards a little bit and accidentally tripped over a tree branch making us both fall.

She fell on top of me since I was still holding her hand. Her face was just inches apart from mine.


Author's note

Hi guys! I just wanted to say that this is going to be the last chapter we're going to upload as of right now.

Thanksgiving is next week, and we're taking the whole week off for a break. After that we'll be coming back with more chapters to upload.

We both hope you have a good Thanksgiving whether you celebrate it or not. And hope you have a good week as well :)


Co-author's note

Hey guys Small Fry here. Yes it's a real nickname. Lol. Anyway, happy holidays. Love y'all and stay tuned.

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