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Nick's POV

I went to the bench where I first met Selena. Aj told me to take things slow with her. Mary and I just broke up and it's not fair for her or Selena. It makes it look like I'm on the rebound. Which I am not.

But Selena was late. I grew worried. Something was wrong. I knew it. My phone rang. Brian was calling me. But why? I answered anyway. Selena wasn't here yet.

"Nick, where are you?" Brian asked. His voice was shaky and scared.

"At the mall waiting for Selena. But she's late." I chuckled hiding the rejection I felt. I guess she didn't like me.

"She's at the ER. She fell down the stairs. Aj found her and screamed. Mary must have heard her. Cuz she looked pale."

My heart stopped for a moment. Selena was hurt all this time and here I was feeling sorry for myself.

"I walked here. Mind picking me up?" I asked.

"I'm on my way." Brian replied.

I hung up and ran out of the mall.


The doctor informed us she was okay. Just resting. She needs to take it easy for a bit. I was going to make it happen.

I like her. I really like her. I never felt this way before. Not even with Mary when we dated. I knew this was real. I owed it to her to be by her side.

Aj, Kevin, Howie, Brian, Mary and I looked at each other in relief. Mary then sighed giving me a frown and said.

"It's my fault."

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