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Mary's POV

"I'm so glad it's the weekend." I told Devin as we checked out from the diner.

"So am I." Devin widely smiled.

"You have plans?" I asked.

"I do." He sounded happy.

"Ohhh is it a date?" I teased him.

"Maybe." He laughed at my reaction.

We got into his car and drove to my place. When we got there it was quiet. Howie and Brian were in the couch. I could see Nick and Selena in the backyard with Aj and Kevin wasn't to be found.

"Welcome back Mary and Devin." Howie said in a bored tone.

"Hi." I responded.

"You all stay here." We heard Kevin say coming downstairs and quickly making his way to the backyard.

"You three to the living room, now!" Kevin ordered.

Once everyone were in one place. It felt awkward. We haven't been all together since what happened with Selena. We all stayed quiet keeping to ourselves until Kevin spoke.

"I've noticed that we've been avoiding each other. Some more than others." He looked over at Brian and Selena before continuing to talk. "It's been awkward lately and we can't spend time with each other without one of us having to leave." Kevin explained.

"What's your point?" Howie asked.

"We are all spending a day together whether you want to or not." Kevin replied.

There were a few groans and sighs.

"Except for me. I'm not part of this right?" Devin said to Kevin.

"You're welcome to stay." Kevin answered.

"I have somewhere to be." Devin chuckled.

"Where?" I asked.

"Park." Devin replied.

"Alone?" Howie added.

"With....uh... Danielle." He said awkwardly.

Everyone looked shocked and looked at me.

"What?" I asked confused. "I didn't know about this." I added.

"Wouldn't that be a little weird?" Nick said.

"Will Dani dated Brian. He's Mary's best friend. Danielle didn't.... get along with Mary during that time. And now Dani and Devin will be going out somewhere and Devin is one of Mary's best friend...." Howie explained.

"Here we go again." Aj shook his head.

I glanced over at Devin who looked extremely awkward at this point. I mean sure everything Howie said was true but I knew Dani was changing. That day she came to check on me and Brian she seemed sincere and she did stay with Devin when I left. And I don't know exactly what happened with them that they've decided to go out to someplace.

"If it's too much for both of you I won't go." Devin said to me and Brian.

"I'm ok with it." I assured Devin and then looked over to Brian for his response.

"Just take good care of her." He said.

Devin nodded and there was a knock at the door. Guessing it was Dani.

"Have fun." I encouraged Devin giving him a smile. Soon he was gone and we heard them drive off.

"Anyways." Kevin said. "If none of you want to be stuck in the house, there's a college party going on. Thought it would be a fun way to spend time together." Kevin suggested.

Everyone agreed and got excited about it. It would be our first college party. It would be a lot better if we weren't under these conditions about us all getting along but I'm sure it would go great. Or at least I hope so.


We got to the party and Kevin, Howie, and Aj left to go get some drinks and food. Brian and Selena both were on a make up date since they were the most awkward around each other. Nick and I were together.

He apologized to me and explained why he got mad at me. Which I understand why he reacted that way and I told him I was truly sorry about it.

Since we were now in good terms with each other, we decided for Selena and Brian to have this make up date. Nick and I were like brother and sister but also best friends. And it wouldn't be fair for us if Selena and Brian weren't speaking.

We walked over to Kevin and Howie who were having a drink of punch with two girls we didn't know.

"Where's Aj?" I asked.

"Apparently he asked Skylar to come over without telling any of us and now they're dancing." Kevin pointed to Aj and my sister in the dance floor.

"This is Ella." Howie introduced the girl next to him. "And this is Katherine." Kevin introduced the girl next to him.

"Hi. I'm Mary." I waved at them both with a smile.

"Hey, I'm Nick." Nick introduced himself.

We talked for a while until a familiar looking boy came towards us with a girl along his side.

"Will if it isn't you again." He spoke with a smirk.

We all looked at him and Kevin rolled his eyes at him.

"Britney, why don't you go over with the other guys, tell them I'll be there in a moment." He said to the girl next him giving her a kiss on the cheek. She nodded her head and walked away.

"I don't know if you remember me... but my group and I performed at those auditions when yours did too."

Oh my gosh. It was Justin. He was there at the auditions Aj had told us about when the guys decided to become a group. I also remember he tried hitting on me.. and I didn't like it.

"Why would we want to remember you." Howie rolled his eyes at him and I heard Nick let out a small laugh next to me.

Justin gave Howie a death glare but his face softened once his eyes landed on Katherine.

"You wouldn't forget me would you?" He winked at her.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Katherine gave him a nasty look.

"Oh come one. Don't be like that." Justin tried going for her hand but Katherine quickly moved away, closer to Kevin.

"You know, if I knew you would be here I wouldn't of came. Too bad your new girlfriend would have to suffer with you." She fake smiled.

Justin glared at her getting angry and walked closer to her but Kevin stopped him.

"Back away." Kevin warned.

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