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Skylar's POV

We were all having breakfast together in our hotel room. I decided to have simple pancakes with bananas on them and a chocolate shake.

"I don't understand why you had us wake up so early." Howie whined at Kevin.

"As long as we're having this delicious food, I don't care how early it is." Devin blurted.

"Howie, it's ten in the morning." Nick said.

"And ten isn't that early." Ella chuckled.

"True, so enjoy your food before we leave." AJ added.

"Speaking of leaving, where exactly are we going?" I asked before taking a sip of my shake.

"Yeah you haven't told us anything yet." Katherine said looking at Kevin.

"I was going to keep it a surprise but I guess it's best I tell you all." Kevin cleared his throat. "Since it's the last day before we leave back home, I've decided we'd all go camping. It'll be fun and we haven't done much outdoor activities." Kevin added.

"I'm excited." Selena clapped her hands happily.

"Me too, camping sounds like fun." Mary added.

"I've never gone camping so I'm excited as well." Danielle said.

"Sounds good then. Finish up your foods and then we'll pack and be on our way." Kevin continued to eat.

"You're definitely the father in our group." Nick chuckled.

"I second that." AJ laughed. Kevin playfully rolled his eyes at them both.

After a short while we were done eating. We packed up, making sure we didn't leaving any valuables before leaving to get into the van.

"This is going to be amazing." Katherine cheered.

"I can't wait." Ella cheered along.

"It's going to be a long drive, so feel free to sleep." Kevin said as he started the car.

"Oh you already know I'll be sleeping." Howie said making us all laugh.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Selena said sounding excited.

"I agree, hurry up old man." Brian joked.

Kevin sarcastically laughed at Brian's joke and then started to drive to our destiny.

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