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Skylar's POV

"This match looks amazing." I clapped my hands together happily.

"Wow, it does." Danielle replied looking at the outfit I put together.

"We should open our own fashion business." I wiggled my eyebrows at her making her laugh.

"Wouldn't that be amazing?" I added.

"I would love that. But not to ruin your dream, that would be quite impossible." Dani sighed.

"A girl can dream. We're the only ones with great fashion. But don't tell the others I said that." We both bursted out in laughter.

"Maybe we can design Mary's wedding dress." She joked. My eyes went wide at her comment.

"We can totally do that. She can be our first client." I said excited.

"We have to ask her first." Dani giggled.

"We can post our creations on social media and that's how we'll get noticed.... I hope. And that's one way of how we can get our fashion careers started." I explained.

"That would be a dream. But we don't know how to make clothes." Dani chuckled walking around the clothes store, I followed beside her.

"You're right, but we can learn." I said.

"We'll need loads of fabrics and practice." Dani pointed out.

"Which all of it will be worth it at the end." I answered.

"That's a good point." Dani said, her voice fading at the last word.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at her.

"Nothing, just thinking." She replied with a small smile.

"About?" I asked.

"How massive our clothing line could be." She smiled widely at me which I returned.

"Just imagine people wearing our designs." I said.

"It would be amazing." Dani agreed.

"But making the clothes would be cool too." I added. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Why not start that journey now?" Dani smirked.

"I'm in." We gave each other a high five and started to look for fabrics and a sewing machine and other things we would need.


Kevin's POV

"So Kev, are you gonna tell us where you're planning on taking us?" AJ asked coming in the living room and sat next to me. The rest of the boys came in after him. 

"I have." I answered.

"Will are you gonna tell us?" Nick blurted impatient.

"Disneyland." I replied with a smile.

"Oh the girls would love to hear that." Brian said.

"I'll let them know in our groupchat." Howie cheered.

"We leave in a week." I informed them and they all nodded in response.

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