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Have you had to be on the run from monsters since the age of twelve??? Performed quests, for gods, that could have gotten youself killed??? Have you ever led a war at the age of 16 for your so called family only for them to turn against you one day? Have you ever put your life on the line for people who would one day plot to kill you?? Have you ever jumped into freaking TARTARUS for your girlfriend only to have her cheat on you and that too with your own half-brother??? I have and I suffered the consequences. My name is Percy Jackson and this is my story.

After the second Giant war, many things changed. For one, Hestia and Hades got their seats in the Olympian council. The gods slowly broke the ancient laws and started visiting their children occasionally. It started with Poseidon, who said it was not fair for Apollo to spend time with his children (although he had no choice since he was human) and himself not be able to, visiting me every week-end whether I was at camp, at school or at home and we made it a tradition to meet each other on the beach, at midnight, on my birthdays.

After Poseidon, one by one the other gods started visiting until finally Zeus came to visit his kids. And after that it soon became official and even common to see gods other than Dionysus at camp talking, laughing and sometimes taking part in activities with their children (which only the cool gods like Apollo, Hermes, Poseidon would actually do).

Hermes, Apollo and I grew very close to the point of being best friends. It started with Apollo, who would come to visit me occasionally, sometimes dragging Hermes along, and we'd chat, prank and laugh together. We had a day for the three of us to get together, a bro's night out. Although many gods did not appreciate it... but well, when you give your life for them, you learn to not bother about every single thing that they hate. And it's in my nature to rebel, so hey, can you blame me???

Another thing was, I became the first and only demigod to be blessed by multiple gods (both major and minor). I was blessed by Hermes, which gave me the power of speed, to sneak into any place, steal and get through any locked door without being noticed or caught. Apollo's blessings greatly improved my archery skills and gave me a better knowledge on medicine. Hephaestus' blessings allowed me to create anything, know the construction process of anything by just touching it, and wield fire. Hestia's blessings allowed me to control fire better and give hope to myself and anyone I wished or even the opposite. Hades' blessing allowed me to shadow travel, control and summon hell-hounds and access the underworld at any time. And finally, although not a blessing, I was gifted with a ring from Hecate, after fulfilling a quest (which no one else volunteered to do, either out of disrespect or fear), which allowed me to control the mist to show whatever I want and create physical objects by just thinking. I had tattoos all over my body for each god who blessed me; a laurel wreath for Apollo's on my right ankle, a caduceus for Hermes' on my back, a fire for Hestia's on left forearm, a skull on the right middle finger for Hades', and a hammer on the left shin for Hephaestus.

A few months after Apollo returned to become God, Leo returned with Calypso from living with Emmie and Josephine. He wanted to spend more time with his siblings and be closer to camp in case another war takes place. Frank and Hazel would visit every week. And most importantly, since Apollo was able to stop the emperor (whatever his name is, I keep forgetting even though this would be the thousandth time that Annabeth had repeated the name) he was able to make one request which was for Jason to be bought back to life which the gods allowed (as an exception), so Jason was resurrected and got back together with Piper, even got married and are currently expecting a child (Aphrodite, Zeus and Hera (shocking right???) are super excited). Frank had proposed to Hazel and they were yet to pick a date. Will and Nico were doing great and were happy. And finally, Annabeth and I... Well, I was waiting for the right time to propose.

But who would have ever thought that I would never be able to go for Frank and Hazel's wedding or that I'd never have the opportunity to propose to Annabeth or that the six would ever turn against me?? Who would have thought that my own mother who had been with me through everything would choose my new born sister over me???? Who would have thought that I'd be betrayed by the very people I gave my loyalty to??? I didn't and when it all happened, it shattered my heart into million pieces.

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