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Min ho stood in front of a dorm door as he looked at the piece of paper he had gotten from his house master and then back at the dorm.

"67" it read.

"This is it" Min ho mumbled, pulling out his keys from his pocket, unlocking the door and stepping inside, dragging his suitcase along with him. He looked around the dorm. There was one living room, one bathroom, one kitchen and two bed room. Even though all rooms weren't big enough, Min ho was satisfied with the dorm. He walked towards one of the bed rooms and opened the door. He looked inside, there wasn't much. A single bed, a closet, a full length mirror and a study table. Just enough for The brown haired boy. He placed his suitcase on the bed and began to unpack his stuff. It was mostly clothes and books, his laptop along with a CD player which he brought with some albums that he had. He placed the clock and other items on their places and let out a sigh after unpacking and setting all his stuff which took an hour. His mind then went towards the fact that he hadn't seen his dorm mate yet.

Min ho walked out of his bed room and went to the other room, knocking it before, but never got an answer so he went inside himself. He opened the door and stepped inside. He found out that his dorm mate had indeed came. But didn't unpack their stuff, as he saw a packed suitcase near the bed. His dorm mates room was pretty much the same as Min ho's. the same single bed, closet and a full length body mirror like the one in his room. Reminding himself the fact that he was invading someone's privacy, he stepped out of the room and went to the kitchen. It was small but it was enough too.

He made a mental note on going to the store to buy food and other stuff for the kitchen but for that he would need to discuss things with his dorm mate. Speaking of dorm mate, Min ho wondered where the hell they were. He mentally prayed that it won't be someone popular or someone from his dance team, or anyone popular at all. He wished he would get a room for himself instead of getting a dorm and a dorm mate. He had anger issues, he would get angry at little things and sometimes just blow up and that was something he was trying to ignore. When he would get angry, no one, not Chan and not even his mother can calm him down.

And let me tell you all something, when Min ho gets angry, things get ugly. He didn't wanted to end up breaking someone's nose like last year. He just hoped that he's roomed with someone like himself.

His thoughts were disturbed when he heard someone opening the door. Min ho's eyes went to the door to see someone enter. They both froze on their spots as they looked at each other for about 6 seconds, when the younger one looked away. Min ho looked at the boy, he had brown hair, chubby cheeks, he wasn't that tall, he was actually smaller than Min ho. He wore a black sweat shirt with grey jeans and black converse high. Min ho noticed that the brown haired boy must be feeling uncomfortable so he looked away. The younger one hesitated and glanced at Min ho, before quietly walking towards his bed room. Min ho looked back and watched as the younger disappeared in his room. He had no idea who the brown haired boy was but he was glad that it was someone quiet and someone who looked like they minded their own business and he hoped they do too.

Version Of Me | MinSung |Where stories live. Discover now