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Bang Christopher Chan:

- I'm in our usual spot.
- Where are you?

I'm coming. -


Min ho stuffed his books inside his bag and walked out of his Biology class. Lunch break had started. He didn't go to the cafeteria because it was always crowded and noisy. He and Chan would usually sit in the school's ground. Chan would bring their food since he knew Min ho didn't like going to the cafetria. He swinged his bag on his shoulder and walked out of the school's building. He walked into the school's ground and spotted not only Chan but also Woo jin, Jeong In.

"Hey Min ho-ah!" Chan greeted his best friend who put down his bag. He nodded as a greeting and took out his poetry book and took a bit of the apple slice while he read. Chan talked with Woo jin and Jeong In while Min ho quietly read his book and ate his lunch.

"So Min ho, how's Ji sung?" Min ho looked up from his book to see Woo jin looking at him. "He's fine". Min ho replied shortly and went back to reading his book. Woo jin looked at Chan with a 'you-talk-to-him' kind of look. Chan's face expression changed from smiling to an 'oh' expression, he turned to his best friend. "Did he say anything after he woke up?" Chan asked earning a shake of head from Min ho. "No, I didn't see him when I woke up". Min ho said, hiding the truth.

"I hope he's fine. I was really shocked when I saw him yesterday night". Jeong In said with a frown as he remembered the past events that happened yesterday night. "We'll come with you to check after school ends". Chan said earning Woo jin and Jeong In to nod. Min ho shrugged not giving an answer, knowing they were going to come either way. The rest of the break was spent peacefully too. Chan, Woo jin and Jeong In were having their own conversation while Min ho read his book. Soon the bell rang and they bid each other bye and walked to their classes.


"Is he home?" Chan asked as they all stepper inside Min ho dorm. Min ho shrugged. "I don't know". He placed his things in his room and walked back to the living room where Chan, Woo jin and Jeong in were sitting. "Call him then, ask him where he is". Woo jin suggested and the other two agreed to it, they looked at Min ho who just looked back at them."Well what are you waiting for? Call him". Chan spoke, nodding at the phone Min ho held in his hand.

"I don't have his phone number". Min ho replied to which Chan let out an awful groan. "Of course you don't". Woo jin mumbled under his breath. "Hey why are you looking at me like that?" Min ho said as he saw Chan giving him a weird look. "You've been living under the same roof as Ji sung for like more than a month and you're telling me you don't even have his phone number?" Min ho simply nodded to which Chan let out another miserable groan.

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