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"I took money for them".

Min ho's eyes softly opened as he heard the other boy's voice. He looked at his left, Ji sung was sitting with his arms wrapping his knees that were pulled closer to his chest. Min ho didn't say a word and just quietly stared at the boy who took a shaky breath and continued, not looking at the older boy as he felt Min ho's stare.

"T-They gave me 3 months to give then back the money I owned them and I almost had all the money but then..." Ji sung looked down at his knees.

"But someone took out the money from your bank account". Min ho completed his sentence which caught Ji sung off guard. "Y-You knew?" Ji sung asked, Min ho sighed and nodded, pushing back his hair. "I saw the piece of paper in your hand that night you cried".

The older boy explained. Ji sung let out a deep breath, trying his best to not let his emotions get to him. "And now I have no idea how to get the money. I already two jobs but they aren't paying much". Ji sung mumbled, letting his head lean against the wall. Min ho looked at the boy. "Is that were you go every night? The reason why you get home so late? And the place where you were last night?" Min ho questioned. Ji sung nodded. "Have you tried going to the police? I mean it's a million won we're talking about here". Ji sung shook his head. "It's no use. The money are gone". Min ho just stared at the boy in disbelief, Ji sung's life was on the line. A million won were taken out from his bank account, which were suppose to be the money he had to pay back to some thugs and he wasn't even going to the police.

A thought came to his head which made him turn back to the boy. "You know who he took the money out of your bank account, don't you?" Min ho saw how Ji sung's eyes opened, how the boy bite his lower lip and nodded, eyes filled with pain and sorrow. "Yeah i do". He whispered, And then again the closet went silent. Min ho looked up at the ceiling. The only source of light was the sun light that was coming from the small window on top of a wall. "Does it still hurt? The bruises?" Min ho shook his head. "No i'm fine". He lied, his hand hurted a lot. It ached because he used it for writing down the notes, even though Chan had told him that he could write down his notes for him but Min ho declined the offer. He could write his own notes. He couldn't let some bruise make him not do what he wanted. "Can I see your hand?" Min ho turned to the younger boy who was looking at him. He didn't know what to say or why Ji sung had suddenly asked to see his hand so he just held out his hand. It was swallowen. Min ho didn't miss the way Ji sung's lips turn into a frown at the sight of Min ho's injured hand. Min ho saw how Ji sung was hesitating on doing something. He saw the way Ji sung's hand reached out and carefully grabbed the older's right hand. And then it happened again.

His heart beat increased. Min ho gulped. Ji sung carefully caressed his hand with his fingers. His touch was soft, as if Ji sung was scared that he could hurt Min ho more than he already did. It was his fault Min ho was in this state at the first place. He blamed himself. Min ho looked away from the boy when the bell rang it made the two boys realise that they had skipped class.

Min ho skipped a class. It was the first time in his whole life that he had ever skipped a class. He let out a sigh and got up from the floor. "Come on, let's get to class". Min ho said, making Ji sung nod. They both got out of the closet and started walking to the their classes. "I'll get going". Ji sung rubbed the back of his neck and Min ho nodded and they both walked different ways. Min ho stood in front of his class room.

She's going to be so disappointed at me.

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. Will I do a face reveal?

A. I don't have any plans on doing it.

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-Your sad girl :<

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