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Min ho's arms wrapped around Ji sung's small waist, as he held the younger boy closer to him as their lips were attached to each other, who kissed back Min ho as eagerly as the older boy did. Ji sung's hand shifted towards the older boy's hair and ran through this locks. Their lips danced together with each other in sync. 

Min ho ran his hands under the younger's boys shirt and softly holding him as he chased on to the younger boy's lips, feeling extremely addicted to them. Ji sung melted into the kiss, feeling his legs shaking but luckily he didn't collapse on the ground because of Min ho's grip on his waist. 

Min ho pressed the younger boy against the wall, not too harshly, because he didn't want to hurt the boy, without detaching their lips. They both pulled away, catching their breath before attaching them again. The sound of their lips attaching with each other and their breaths were filled in room. 

Ji sung's hands gripped the older boy's hair, not too harshly as he kissed back, not wanting this moment to stop. At this moment he forgot everything, his past, his family, his hardships every single thing. His heart beating fast, too fast to be normal.

They broke the kiss again, because of lack of oxygen. Both of their bodies attached to each other as they catch their breaths. Min ho pressed his forehead against the younger boy's who had his eyes softly closed. As he opened his eyes he saw Min ho looking at him, he noticed how the older boy's lips slowly turned upwards and turned into a small smile.

He was smiling. Min ho was smiling. He was feeling. He was feeling happy. Ji sung was making him feel. Ji sung was making him happy. Ji sung was making him feel happy.

Ji sung felt his breath taken away as saw Min ho smile. It made him smile. It made him laugh actually, It made him happy. Min ho made him happy. Min ho smiled softly as he saw the boy whom he cherish so much, laugh softly for the first time. He admired him. Soon Ji sung stopped laughing and looked at the older boy with a small smile. He soon wrapped his arms around the older boy, who wrapped his arms around the younger boy's waist.

They pulled back and soon realized what time is it. "It's getting late". Ji sung said, feeling a bit shy. "Yeah.. do you want me to drop you off?" Ji sung accepted the older boy's request. "You should.." He looked at Min ho who was trying to say something, but he himself felt shy. "You should fix yourself a bit". He said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. Ji sung tilted his head, not really understanding what the older boy was talking about. If he went out like this, he would get questioned since his state clearly looked like he had just made out with someone. 

He nodded and looked around, finding the bathroom which was pointed by Min ho and went inside. Pressing his back against the bathroom after he entered the bathroom, his hand made it's way towards his chest, where he felt his heart beat getting fast. On the other side, stood Min ho who's heart was beating just as fast as Ji sung's. He confessed, He couldn't believe it but it made him feel happy. 

Ji sung appeared after a while and they both left the house and walked towards the school's building. The walk to the school's dorm building was awkward and it would be even more awkward when their hands touch each other's by accident, making Ji sung turn even more redder than a tomato.

"D-Do you want to go out sometimes?" Min ho had spoken when they were about to bid each other goodbye. Ji sung gulped and avoided looking at Min ho, who was looking at Ji sung for an answer. "L-Like.. like a-a d-date?" Ji sung asked with big eyes, Min ho cleared his throat and looked away, nodding softly. Ji sung felt shy, like a little girl being asked out by her crush. wait? Isn't he?

"Y-yeah.." Min ho nodded, feeling weird and turned around. "S-see you on Monday". With that we walked away, leaving a blushey and shy Ji sung outside of the school's building, who soon went inside.

Q. What is something about you which makes people a bit surprise when you tell them?

A. I love flowers and their meanings. I don't really tell people about it but those who I have find it quite a shock when they find that I like these kinda things.

-Your sad girl :<

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