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Min ho was walking in the hallway. It was currently the fifth period, he had gone out of the bathroom because of the need to go to the bath room. When he was walking back, his eyes landed on the people standing in the ground floor, near the school gates along with some students. He walked closer to the balcony and his eyes widened.

It was the thugs, from the night. His eyes went wide when he saw one of the students point towards one of the classrooms and the thugs nodded as they started walking. His mind went blank, only one word came up.

Ji sung.

He ran as fast as he could, even though there was a 'no running in the hallway' rule, he didn't care at the moment. His feet ran as fast as they could as he ran to the classroom where the student had pointed at.

He slammed the class room door open as soon as he reached the classroom and everyone stared at them. "Mr. Lee?" He heard the teacher call his name out, Obviously both shocked and annoyed because of his unusual behavior. He scanned the class in a hurry and finally spotted two very familiar faces, one of them being the one whom he was looking for. He walked towards the boy and grabbed him by his wrist. "S-Sunbae..?" Ji sung himself was quite surprised because of his behavior and his appearance during his class and so was Hyun jin. "What's going on?" The teacher called out as everyone stared at the two boys.

Min ho didn't say a word and quickly pulled Ji sung out of the room. "S-sunbae what's happening?" Ji sung asked as he was being dragged by the older boy. Min ho, yet again didn't reply and just quietly walked quickly. He made the boy climb up the stairs. They reached the top floor and looked around. "Sunbae please tell me what's going on". Ji sung desperately asked the older boy who found a room. The janitors room.

And that's how they ended up inside and Min ho locking the door, without the lights on. As Ji sung opened his mouth to speak up and ask the older boy what was happening, Min ho placed his hand on the younger boy's mouth quickly. Ji sung's eyes widened as he stared at the older boy, who stared back at Ji sung.

"Where did he go?" They both turned their heads towards the door where the voices were coming from. Ji sung stopped breathing for a moment, his heart beat went wild as he heard their footsteps getting closer. "Let's go check in the other floor". With that heard their footsteps noise getting low and low and then it ended. Min ho let out a sigh of relief and let go of the younger's mouth. He slid down, back pressed against the wall as he sat down on the floor. He closed his eyes, his hand was really hurting.

"How did they find out I go to this school?" Ji sung mumbled, but it was loud enough for Min ho to hear. "I don't know, I saw them when I was on my way to class". The older replied without opening his eyes. He felt Ji sung sitting down besides him. The closet was quiet, none of them spoke a word. The only sound that could be heard were the sound of their breaths as they were trying to catch his breath because of running.

"I took money from them".

What do you guys think? Any theories?

Q. What's your favorite color?

A. I love black, purple and the color of blood. many people find me weird when I tell them i like the color of blood.

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-Your sad girl :<

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