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This chapter will explain the theories. Let's see who got it right.

Min ho was standing in front of the younger boy who was sitting near the piano, as they both stared at each other. Min ho was the first to move. He slowly walked towards the younger boy who looked down at his laps. Min ho sat at the place besides the younger boy since there was enough space left. They didn't say anything. Min ho looked at the younger boy's face. His face was bruised and had some blood on it. Min ho's eyes went to the piece of paper that was placed on the piano. He hesitated but slowly reached out for the paper and grabbed it. He looked at the younger boy who said nothing, Min ho took it as a silent permission and began to read the paper.

H.Js + P.Mh ♡

'My love for you, makes my heart
lone to be free'

Min ho furrowed his eyebrows before turning over the page and that's when he was left speechless.

It was a picture of two boys, one of them with brown hair, who's only side profile was showing in the picture, was kissing the cheek of the other boy who had a big smile on his lips as he was looking at the camera as he was taking the picture. That's when Min ho realized and looked at his dorm mate.

The boy who was kissing the other boy's cheek in the picture, was Ji sung.

Ji sung looked younger, like he was 14 or 15. Min ho noticed how the younger boy was completely different from what he was now. He had chubby cheeks and his face was glowing, out of happiness, his eyes were shining, they had a light.

"I was 12 years old when I met him".

Min ho looked up from the picture to see the younger boy who was staring at the piano, his finger softly placed on the piano. "We met at a park. I was coming back from school when I saw someone crying in the park. I went over to see what happened. Turns out he got his kite stuck in a tree. It was his favorite kite and his father had gotten that for him on his 11th Birthday. I hated how he was crying. He made me feel like I wanted to protect him. So I climbed up the tree not even caring about how I got my uniform all dirty and got his kite for him". Ji sung's lips turned into a small, warm smile as he remembered the memories. "He smiled and thanked me. My heart started to beat so fast when he beamed a smile. His smile was so beautiful it made me want to see it more". Ji sung let out a chuckle.

"We became friends, he told me his name was Park Min hyun. We were of the same age. I was just a few months older than him. His birthday was on the 19th of December. And from that day I swore myself that I would do anything to make this boy smile and protect him from everyone ane everything".

"We found out we were actually classmates at school. We literally begged the teacher to let us sit together and she did allow us after a lot of tries. From that day on we were literally stick to each other. Always together and helping each other out. He showed me his piano. He loved playing the piano and he would write his own songs and it was amazing. He introduced me to his family and they were more than happy that Min hyun had a friend like me. We became best friends". Ji sung smiled again, Min ho didn't say a word and carefullu listened to the boy.

"A year went by and i started realizing that I had a crush on Min hyun. I was very scared because I didn't know what would he do if he found out I liked him. So I started to grow distant. My parents were barely home so they didn't notice. But i loved them, they were happy with me and I was happy to have them since they always cheered up for me. After a week of ignoring Min hyun, he showed up and the park and dragged me with him and asked for an explanation. I started to make up excuses and lies but he knew I was lying. So I told him. I told him I liked him and had a crush on him, his face changed when I told him and I was almost going to cry but then he hugged me and told me that he also liked me". Ji sung smiled and looked up at the ceiling.

"God you have no idea how fucking happy I was. I picked him up and swinged him around. We spent the whole time at the park, having fun and talking. Then we came up to the realization that we both were gay and had no idea of what to say to our families so we decided to keep it a secret. Min hyun had an older brother whom he trusted a lot so we told him. He was really happy for us. He was great and always helped us". He then let out a sigh and looked back at the piano.

"A year went by and everything was fine. We were dating and our relationship was great. His birthday was coming up and he was about to turn 14. I decided to celebrate his birthday at my house because my parents were at work and they wouldn't be back .... I fucking regret it". He bit his lower lip and continued.

"It was just the two of us at my house and we were at the living room. I got a cake for him on his birthday and a small piano since he loved playing it and a small necklace. It was like a couple necklace. He was so happy that he started to cry and that's where I told him that I loved him. He started to cry even more loudly and told me he loved me too. And then we kissed". Ji sung stopped for a moment before speaking up. A big smile on his lips.

"We kissed for the first time and said our 'I love you's for the first time. I felt like a dream. I was so happy that it felt so unreal". His smile disappeared and Min ho could see the tears forming up in Ji sung's eyes.

"The door opened up and we broke away from the kiss. My parents saw us. They saw us kissing and hell broke in". Min ho could see how Ji sung was slowly starting to shake as his tears flowed down his cheeks. "They were disgusted. I was so scared. I tried talking to them but they wouldn't listen. They started swearing at us, calling us names and how disgusted they were. My dad he told me I was a disgusting faggot and I wasn't his son anymore. I was a crying mess, they were kicking me out of the house, my mom screamed at me and kept on pushing me out of the house as I sobbed and begged her to let me stay and that I'm their son. Min hyun tried to talk to them but they didn't listen. My dad pushed him on the floor and when I was pleading him, he picked up a glass bottle and threw it on me..
But Min hyun got in the way and got hit". Ji sung was sobbing so loudly that it felt like he couldn't breathe anymore.

"The b-bottle hit his h-head and h-he feel on the g-ground. I-I screamed and went to him.... h-he wasn't br-breathing anymo-re.. I-I begged my family to ha-have some me-mercy on us b-but they didn't li-listen. T-They watched him and didn't d-do a thing". Min ho's eyes widened as he heard the last sentence coming out of Ji sung's mouth.

"T-They killed m-my Min-Min hyun".

-Your sad girl :<

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