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Min ho walked back inside the dorm, closed the door with his foot, his hands were all occupied as he had just gotten back from the store and bought the stuff for the kitchen, he placed the bags on the floor and locked the door behind him, grabbing them again and walked inside the kitchen. He looked around and figured that his dorm mate was either in his room or had gone out. Min ho sighed, he needed to talk to his dorm mate in order to get helped with he stuff and discuss about other things for the dorm. Min ho rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up and walked towards the younger one's room, knocking the door. "Hey, if you're in there come out, I need to discuss some stuff about the dorm with you". 

He waited for an answer but got none. Min ho sighed, thinking the younger one had gone outside, but found out he was wrong when he heard the door opening and in front of him stood his dorm mate, looking at his own feet, not making any eye contact with Min ho. Min ho walked towards the kitchen and the younger one followed him. "I bought all the stuff needed for the food and other stuff for the kitchen, you have to buy the stuff needed for the bathroom". The younger one just slowly nodded. They both just quietly stood in there spots for at least 2 minutes, when the younger one quietly moved from his spot and walked to one of the bags that Min ho had bought and began to take out the items and started to place them in the cupboards. Min ho who noticed what the younger one was doing started to do the same. They both quietly placed all the items in the kitchen. It was now 9 pm and they had finished setting the kitchen. They both went to their own rooms without having any piece of conversation.

Min ho walked to his study table to study. School had already started and it had been two weeks since summer holidays had ended, he needed to study in order to maintain his first position at school. He took out his glasses and placed them on the bridge of his nose as he flipped the pages of his Chemistry book. He let out a deep breath and began to study.

It was now midnight and Min ho had been studying for 3 hours. He pushed back his hair and took off his glasses, placing them on their place. His phone vibrated, he picked it up and turned it on, seeing some texts from 'Bang Christopher Chan'. His best friend would always complain about his contact name on Min ho's phone, saying it was too simple. But Min ho never cared about having any emojis or some pet names or nick names as contact names.

Bang Christopher Chan:

- Ayo Min ho, how're you? how's it going at the dorm? 

- Please don't scare your dorm mate and try to get along with them and don't burst at them too.

- I'm curious on who's your room mate and how are they? Mine's pretty cool and he's really cute. 

- Meet me in the cafeteria for breakfast before classes start and don't stay up all night studying.

"Speak for yourself Mr. Bang, You're the one who's texting me at midnight and barely gets any sleep".

Min ho mumbled and shook his head. He texted an 'okay' and pressed the off button, placing his phone on the study table and stood up. He took out his sleeping clothes, which were nothing but a pair of shorts. Min ho was someone who used to sleep with only his boxers on, because he was someone who would like to sleep without any clothes, he felt comfortable like that. He was used to living alone (even though Chan would tresspass every two day, he didn't mind seeing his best friend wearing only boxers).

Without any other thoughts he turned off the lights of his room and quietly lied down. Just as he closed his eyes and was ready to go to dream land, his eyes shot opened at the sound of someone whimpering. He slowly sat up and tried to figure out what exactly was the sound and where was it coming from. But it seemed like seconds later it stopped. Not putting much thought on it, he shrugged and lied back down on the bed, closing his eyes. Unaware of the fact that on the room next to his, his room mate sat at the corner of the room, a hand placed on his own mouth as he tried to hold back his sobs. He sat there,hugging his knees sobbing, just wishing he would disappear from this world already.

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