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"M-Min ho sunbae...?"Ji sung called out the boy's name softly, still not believing that the older boy was here. "Yeah, it's me.." He whispered, looking at the younger boy who was still in a bit shock and the next moment Min ho's eyes widened as he felt Ji sung hugging him tightly. His throat went dry and his heart beat was far away from normal.It took him a while to process what was going on but before he could do anything, Ji sung broke the hug and looked at the older boy. Min ho nodded the small tears in the younger boy's eyes. Ji sung then spoke up. "I-I was so scared. I-I thought you wouldn't want to see me again. A-Are you okay? H-How did your parents react? How long is y-". Min ho placed his finger on Ji sung's lips, calling the younger boy to stop talking and look at the older boy. "You're ranting". Min ho stated softly, making the younger boy realize that he was indeed ranting. His cheeks turned red due to embarrassment, "S-Sorry.."

"It's okay.." Min ho whispered, pulling out his hand and brushing the younger boy's bangs that were covering half of his eyes. "It's okay.." This time he mumbled, softly wiping the tears from Ji sung's cheeks, but Ji sung heard because of how close they were.

"A-Are you not ... mad at m-me?" This made Min ho stop what he was doing and look at the younger boy in the eye. "Why would I be mad at you?" He asked, pretty confused because of the boy's question. Then suddenly he recalled Hyun jin's texts. 

He blames himself for your suspension.

Ji sung was looking down, feeling guilty when he heard Min ho saying, making him look up with teary eyes and tears already spilling out of them, "I'm not mad at you and neither is me getting into a fight or getting suspension, your fault. Stop blaming yourself". 

Ji sung stared at the boy close to him, who was looking back, when he noticed the black eye , which the older boy had gotten. Ji sung bit his lower lip a bit and pulled out his hand from under the covers, he hesitated but placed his hand on Min ho's cheek, right below Min ho's black eye. The older boy just stared and let Ji sung do whatever he was doing. Ji sung's thumb wiped Min ho's cheek softly, before his eyes landed on the corner of Min ho's lips were he was punched, there was still a bruise and frozen blood. his hand trailed down along his eyes. He was caressing Min ho's lips when the older boy flinched a little because of the sudden sting he felt. 

"I-I'm sorry", Ji sung quickly apologized, removing his hand from the older boy's cheek. Min ho shook his head, regretting to react like that because it seemed to make Ji sung a bit scared. "It's fine, stop apologizing". Min ho said, really wanting the younger boy to stop saying sorry, it seemed like a habit of Ji sung, The boy would apologize even if it's not his fault, but it seemed like Ji sung would think it is his fault. Ji sung figured the older boy didn't want him to apologize all the time. "O-Okay, I'm not sorry". Min ho looked up at the younger boy who himself seemed to be surprised at what he had said. "Nice save", Min ho mumbled, Ji sung letting out a small 'thank you' making Min ho look at the now embarrassed boy.

"H-How long was your suspension?" Ji sung asked, now looking at the boy near him. "Two weeks, I'll be back by Monday". Ji sung let out a quiet 'oh' and softly nodded. "I've heard from the boys that you haven't gone to school or even went out of the dorm". Ji sung's eyes froze, he was quite surprised, when he heard that their friends have exposed him to the older boy. "O-Oh, they told you t-that...?" Min ho looked at the embarrassed boy, not knowing why he was enjoying his shy state. Ji sung mentally cursed at his friends, especially Hyun jin and Seung min, whom had many times threatened him to come out of the dorm or else they would inform Min ho, He didn't knew they would actually tell him. 

They lied there on the same bed, Min ho's arms still wrapped around the younger boy's waist while Ji sung's hands were on the boy's clothed chest as they boy just quietly stared at each other's eyes. This is the moment, when he had Ji sung in his arms, who was looking at him, Min ho figured out another thing.

"I missed you". It came out as a whisper but Ji sung heard it, his eyes still connected to Min ho's gaze. Min ho discovered the stars existence in the younger boy's eyes, as if they held a million of stars. "I-I missed you too...". Both of their hearts were running wild, Ji sung was scared, thinking Min ho could hear his heart beat while on the other side, Min ho was feeling the exact thing and trying to figure out what was happening to his heart. 

Min ho quietly took a deep breath and pulled out his hand, reaching out Ji sung's hand and grabbing it, he held Ji sung's small hand, as if he was protecting it. Ji sung's eyes widened, as he stared down at their hands and then back at Min ho, who was still looking at him. Ji sung's cheeks turned red, but it was a bit dark so the older boy couldn't see the blush, or so he thought. 

Min ho then pulled the boy closer to himself, making Ji sung bury his face on the crook of Min ho's neck while Min ho held the boy's waist by his arm. Their legs tangled to each other and the covers hid their bodies below their shoulder. Their hands holding each other and Ji sung's other hand was gripping on to Min ho's shirt, as if he was too scared to let Min ho go.

What do you think?

This is a very uh soft? chapter. I hope you all like it because it really took me a while to write this down. I've started writing one shots, check them out if you want.

-Your sad girl :<

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