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Min ho stared at his feet, feeling empty as the boy next to him cried his eyes out. Min ho looked at his left to the boy, who had his palms on his eyes. Min ho's heart left heavy. He felt awful. It reminded him of the events of his own life.

"I know how it feels like to lose someone you love". Ji sung's sobs got quieter as he heard what Min ho said and looked up to the older boy who was looking at the piano.

"I ws four years old when my father passed away". Min ho lick his lower lip that were all dried. "I didn't knew what happened at that time, how he died. All my life my mom would tell me that he died in a car crash-" Min ho pulled in a breath and then exhaled. "-he actually committed suicide. She hid the truth from me all my life. I found out from a file in her bedroom a few years later, when I was like 7 or 8". Min ho didn't knew why he was telling Ji sung this. But in the moment he just wanted to. Ji sung who was looking at him, had something in mind which he was hesitating to ask but he did.

"I-is that why you're always so closed up?" Min ho didn't reply at the moment but then he nod his head, he quickly shrug off the feeling and looked back at Ji sung. "What I'm trying to say is, everyone has a time to go back to the place where we came from. It may seem really unfair at the moment but this is how life is. Unfair. And all we can do is remember the good and happy times we spent with them and move on".

"Did your mom move on?" Min ho looked at the piano and nodded. "Yeah i have a step dad and step siblings". Ji sung let out an 'oh' and softly nodded before asking another question in a soft tone. "Did you move on?"

Min ho thought about it. Did he move on? He didn't know. He always used to run away from the topic about his family. Only Chan knew about this, he didn't even know about the whole truth but they never talked.

"I guess I did and well you should too. I don't think Min hyun likes the fact that you're crying right now. He's watching you from the sky". Ji sung looked up at the empty ceiling whuch he imagined wasn't there and pictured the stary night with the boy he loves on them, watching him with a smile. "I hope he's with your dad. That way I'll be sure he's happy, safe and not alone". Min ho looked at Ji sung who was looking at the ceiling with a soft smile. Min ho chuckled and looked at the ceiling.

"I hope they are".


"You know you should talk to that friend of yours, Kang Seung mo was it?" Ji sung chuckled when he heard his dorm mate pronounce his friend's name incorrectly. "It's Kim Seung min".

They were on their way back to the dorms. Ji sung had Min ho's jacket on his shoulders since he was feeling cold.

"He was crying and blaming himself back at the dorm when everyone was looking for you". Ji sung's lips turned into a frown. His and Seung min's friendship was strong before but now Ji sing didn't know what to do. But Ji sung missed him, he missed Seung min a lot. "I guess I'll talk to him".

What do you think?

-Your sad girl :<

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