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Min ho's alarm rang which made him wake up, his eyes slowly opened. The empty ceiling was the first thing he saw at the morning. He turned off his alarm and took a deep breath. It was time for school. He turned to the calendar that was resting on his study table and sighed. He pushed the sheets off of him and sat up. His eyes landed on his phone that was lying on his side table. He stared at it for a moment before picking it up. 

A small notification popped up on the screen which brought his attention. He hesitated for a moment before pressing the notification. It was a text message from someone he was expecting. Min ho read the two messages sent by the user.

 Min ho walked to the closet and was taking out his clothes when he heard someone talking in the living room. He walked out of his bedroom after deciding what to wear which was a grey sweatshirt with black jeans. He closed the door behind him and saw his room mate along with his friend, The Hwang Brat. It seemed like they were in the middle of having a conversation Ji sung turned to him after he noticed him and let out a small 'good morning sunbae' to which Min ho nodded. 

Ji sung then turned back to Hyun jin, who also greeted Min ho, which Min ho ignored and pretended that he didn't hear him. He didn't like the boy. Turns out Ji sung and Hyun jin were planning on leaving and picking up Seung min from his dorm since the three of them would always walk to school together ever since the two best friends solved their argument. 

Min ho stepped inside the shower after stripping and lied down in the bath tub. He leaned his back and stared at the wall. Soon he closed his eyes and tried to relax his mind. But the exact opposite happened.

"I'm sorry but we couldn't save him".

"His condition was pretty bad, there was a lot of blood loss and his brain was pretty badly damaged".

"We're sorry about your loss".

Min ho felt his breath shorten like he couldn't breathe. He didn't even notice that he was slowly slipping inside the bath tub.

"We couldn't save him".

"I'm sorry".

"His brain was pretty badly damaged-"

"Mom where's dad?"

"We're couldn't save him".

"I'm sorry".

"Mom why are you crying? Where's dad?"

"Today we are gathered here for the death of our beloved-"

"His condition was-"

"I'm sorry".

"Honey this is Mr. Song, the man I told you about?"

"Loss of blood-"

"A man, a father, a husband, a brother, a-"

"Look that's him, He's the one whose father jumped off-"

"Your mother is a whore, a slut-"

"Mom why do you always come home so late?"

"Do you Song Ho jong take this woman as-"

"We couldn't save him".

"Cry Baby! You always cry! Are you going to cry again?!"

"I'm sorry"

"Happy Birthday to y-".

"You may now kiss the bride".

"I have to go to work, stay over at the Bang family".

"Did your mom forgot to pick you up from school again?"

"blood loss and his brain-"

"I'm sorry".

"Lee Min Seok may you rest in pea-"

"Do you Lee Shin hee, take this man as your-"

"condition was pretty bad-"

"this is your father now".

"Cry Baby!"

"your father got in an accide-"

"We couldn't sa-"

"I'm sorry".

Min ho gasped as he got out of the water and gasped for air. He was out of breath and tried his best to inhale the oxygen. He felt so suffocated and unable to breathe. Soon, he was breathing again but his heart beat was still fast. He wiped off the water from his face and looked around, realizing what was going on.

It happened again.

Min ho sighed and got out of the bathroom, after he wore his clothes and did his normal routine which he did every morning. He went back to his room and dried his hair before combing them. He took out his books, home work, his phone and wallet. He went back to the living room and wore his shoes. He wasn't in the mood of eating breakfast so he decided to just skip it. He walked out of his dorm and locked the door behind him before continuing to walk. His phone in his back pocket which held the texts.

Birth giver:

- Your gift is at your dorm master's office. He said he'll give it to you when you come to his office. I won't be able to visit you because we have a family dinner with Ho Jong's family.

- Happy Birthday.

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. Are you excited for the Music Video?

A. Yes . When I watched the trailer, my mouth literally fell open once I heard Chang Bin's voice and I was like 'oh my god this is that Chang bin's song which I've been dying for"

-Your sad girl :<

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