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"Yum this is so good~" Jeong in beamed a very cute smile as he munched the fried chicken. Chan and Woo jin's eyes were filled with hearts for the younger boy. It was currently lunch break and today they were sitting under the big tree in the school's ground. Chan and Woo jin were looking at the youngest of them who was cutely munching on the chicken. Felix was talking about some game he was playing yesterday night, which were also the reason behind Chang bin's eye bags. While Min ho was quietly eating his lunch like always, except this time he wasn't reading his poetry book. He finished reading it and was planning on going to the library to return it and while he would be at it, he'll look for another book.

"Oh Seung min-ah!" Min ho looked up from his lunch when he heard Woo jin call out a very familiar name. He turned to see where everyone was looking to see a face he had known. The boy with the clutches turned his head from where he heard his name being called and smiled softly. He made his way towards the group with the help of his clutches and stood next to the oldest of them all.

"Guys this is Seung min, my younger brother, Seung min-ah these are my friends". Everyone was suprised except for Jeong in who had a big smile on his face and waved at the boy. "Hi! I'm Yang Jeong In", he introduced himself brightly and Chan would've almost cried if he wasn't that shocked by the new discovery. Seung min bowed his head a little before mumbling a little 'it's nice to meet you all' just enough for everyone to hear it.

Woo jin turned to his brother before speaking up, "What are you doing by yourself? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" Min ho noticed how Seung min's face got a bit dull but he quickly covered it up. "No he's busy".

"I guess him and Ji sung still hadn't made up". Min ho thought as he looked down at his lunch. "Well you can sit here with us". Woo jin offered but Seung min quickly shook his head. "No it's fine, I don't want to disturb you all".

"It's okay, we won't mind, right guys?" Felix asked and everyone nodded. Seung min figured he had no choice but to sit down with them, he carefully sat down in between Woo jin and Chang bin and placed his clutches next to him. "I should introduce you guys to each other, this is Chan, Min ho, Felix, Chang bin and Jeong in". Woo jin said. Soon everyone started talking and eating their lunch except for Chan, who had a look of shock and confusion on his face. Felix was the one who noticed the older Aussie boy and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong hyung?" This brought everyone's attention, including Min ho's who also looked at his best friend.

Chan opened his mouth then closed it he opened it again and closed it again. This went for about four times before he actually spoke up. "It's just- you told me last year, you were the only child when I asked you if you had any siblings and I remember it clearly". Woo jin froze and hesitately looked at his younger brother who was looking down at his lap before he cleared his throat and spoke up. Which caused Min ho to stop eating when he heard what Woo jin said.

"That's because me and Seung min aren't actually real brothers. He's adopted".

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. When's your birthday?

A. 14th April. I'm a 03 liner (the same as Lee Ji-woo in my book 'District 9')

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-Your sad girl :<

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