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Min ho was walking towards his Chemistry class, when he felt someone bump into his shoulder. He lost his balance but regained it. He turned to whoever bumped into him, ready to burst. He wasn't having a good day today. For starters, he woke up a little late, he had to skip breakfast in order to reach school in time. When he reached his first class he found out that he was in fact not late, his clock wasn't working properly, which made him let out a big groan. After that, some girl had confessed to him too, which made him get a little late to his P.E class and he had also forgot to bring his korean literature notebook and now someone had bumped into him, it wasn't his fault. He was walking properly.

He stopped when he saw who it was. "I-I'm so so-rry!" Ji sung apologised, bowing rapidly in front of him. In a second all his anger disappeared. "It's... it's fine". Min ho said, confused over the fact that Ji sung looked like he was in a hurry. "Han-ah! Where are you?!" Min ho saw how Ji sung's expression changed into a panic and he quickly looked at Min ho. "I-I have to g-go". He said, already running away. Leaving Min go quite confused. Why was Ji sung running and why did he looked so paniced when he heard someone call his name. He turned to whomever said Ji sung's name.

They were those boys, Ji sung's friends.

Min ho turned to the direction where Ji sung had ran to, doing what he always did, shrugging it off. He walked to his class, not wanting to get late.

"Where were you?" Chan asked as Min ho sat next to him. Min ho knew his best friend was talking about why he didn't come to breakfast in the morning. "Yeah i just, i woke up late". Min ho explained shortly, opening his books. "Everything okay? You never wake up late". Chan asked, worried about his best friend who nodded. "Everything's fine. I was just a bit tired. I'm fine, don't worry". Chan knew there was something up with his best friend, but he let it go because he knew Min ho didn't wanted to talk about it.


"Hyungs is it okay if my friend sits with us?" Jeong in asked, making Chan and Woo jin look up and nod with a smile on there faces. Min ho didn't care, he was reading his book, like always. Jeong In nodded to his friend, who sat down.

"What's your name?" Woo jin asked the young boy who spoke up with a big smile on his lips. "I'm Lee Felix and i'm from Australia". Felix introduced himself. A big smile appeared on Chan's lips. "No way! Me too mate!" He let out his hand for a high five which Felix replied to with a big smile. It turned out that Felix had just shifted to Seoul not too long ago. He was living in the school's dorms with a senior too. "Well I'm Kim Woo jin". The eldest of them introduced himself with a soft smile "i'm Bang Christopher Chan, you can call me Chan hyung, this is my best friend, Lee Min ho".

Min ho didn't look up from his book. "Don't mind him". Chan apologised fot his best friend's behaviour, Felix said he had heard about Min ho so he didn't mind.


Min ho entered the dorm after a long day, he was back from dance pratice. He had a stressful day, he just wanted to go to bed and to have a good sleep. He was walking to his room but stopped when he walked across Ji sung's room and heard the familiar noises. "Ji sung?" He knocked on the door. Soon the door opened and revealed the boy. He had tears running down his cheeks, eyes red and puffy and his body looked really weak.

"Are you okay?" Ji sung bit his lower lip and shook his head, forcing himself to not cry in front of the older one. But he had enough. He couldn't just tell everyone that it was nothing and keep everything to himself. He wanted it all to stopped.

Min ho didn't want to admit it but he was worried. He was worried about Ji sung. The younger had been acting so differently, he always shrugged it off but now he couldn't. Not when Ji sung was crying in front of him and telling him himself that he wasn't okay.

He sobbed out, throwing himself on Min ho for a hug, as he sobbed on his chest. Min ho stood frozen on his spot, as Ji sung held him tightly and cried. Never in his life had someone hugged him. His mother used to, but she didn't after he turned 7 and he never let Chan hug him.

But right now, Ji sung was suffering, he was in help, he needed to be saved. So Min ho let him. Min ho slowly placed his arm around Ji sung's waist and patted the back of his head softly as the you ger cried on him.

"P-Plea-se sa-ve me-e".

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