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"Min ho you're back!" Chan threw himself on top of his best friend, hugging the life out of him, who surprisingly let Chan hug him, making the older boy a bit confuse but also happy. "C-Chan I-I can't b-breathe". Min ho managed to gasp out the words as he felt Chan's grip on his getting tighter and tighter. Chan opened his eyes as he realized what his best friend had said, letting out an 'oh' and breaking the hug, standing in front of the boy who was trying to breathe. 

"Min ho hyung!" Jeong In, who was standing next to Woo jin, went to the older boy, who had just arrived back in his dorm, standing in front of him, giving him a big smile before hugging the older boy. Min ho ignored every urge to push the boy away, lifting his hand and awkwardly patting the younger boy's back, who had attached himself to Min ho. "Okay Innie, That's enough hugging". Min ho mentally thanked the oldest boy for helping him out. Jeong In pulled away, the bright smile never left his lips as he now stood next to Chan. Woo jin decided it was best to just greet Min ho with a 'Welcome back' because he saw how uncomfortable Min ho was. Chan knew that too, but he was glad that Min ho hadn't pushed them away. 

"Oh right, I almost forgot. Min ho, we all were planning on going the arcade together, a little welcome back kinda thing for you. It would be really great if you would join us". Min ho raised an eyebrow and looked at his best friend, calling out his name. "Chan", The Australian, pulled his hands together and sat on his knees, begging the boy. "Please Min ho, We all really wanted to go with you. It'll be fun. I promise. Even Ji sung agreed on going". Min ho's face expression changed for a split second at the mention of the boy whom he had grown a liking towards. Luckily none of the three boy's saw his face expression change, which he was thankful. He let out a sigh and nodded letting out a 'fine'. Chan's face expression changed, A bright smile appeared, standing up he was about to hug the boy. "Just! no more hugs". Chan nodded, too happy that Min ho had agreed to come along. "Okay!" Woo jin chuckled, shaking his head.

"How was your stay back home?" Chan asked, walking the older boy to his dorm. Woo jin and Jeong in were at Woo jin's dorm, getting ready for school. "Fabulous". Chan chuckled when he heard Min ho's voice dripping with sarcasm. The walk to their dorm got quiet. Chan mentally debating if he should ask Min ho the question which has been roaming around his mind. But soon decided to just ask his best friend. "How was your mom?" He say how Min ho's face expression remained the blank expression, Min ho just let out a 'she's fine', Chan nodded his head, deciding not to ruin the mood.

"I'll see you in class?" Chan asked as they both stood in front of Min ho's dorm, Min ho nodded and soon Chan turned around and walked away to get ready. Min ho sighed, taking out his keys and unlocking the dorm's door, entering. The grip on his bag strip got tighter. 

His eyes widened as he saw Ji sung standing near the couch, wearing an apron and different kind of food on the table. Min ho blinked twice as he examined the table with various food and then back at the younger boy, who was looking at his feet, cheeks turning bright red, coming face to face with the boy whom he liked. "W-Welcome back .. S-Sunbae.." Min ho realized he was staring for too long, quickly looking away and nodded, letting out a small 'thanks'. "What is this about?" Min ho said, Ji sung figured he was talking about the food. He turned, looking at the food he had gotten for the older boy. "Uh this is.. a w-welcome bac-k kind o-of gift". Min ho couldn't help but chuckle. He placed his bag down on the floor and sat on the couch. Ji sung awkwardly sat besides the older boy, who began to eat. "Eat with me". Ji sung looked up from his lap who was munching a strawberry. "Oh? Oh". Ji sung quiet picked up a sandwich and started to eat.

They were now walking to school together, since they both had gotten ready for school. "Where's your first class?" Ji sung looked up from his feet turning to Min ho who was walking while looking forward. "Uh Room number 26". Min ho nodded, Ji sung turned back to looking at his feet as they walked. "My class is near, I'll drop you off". Ji sung's heart started to beat even more faster than it already was. Min ho dropped Ji sung off and then started to walk back after Ji sung entered. His first class was in room number 4 but Ji sung didn't know that. Min ho was 2 minutes late to class for the first time.

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-Your sad girl :<

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