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"Felix calm your Australian ass down". Felix pouted when he heard Chan, waddling dramatically towards his boyfriend, hugging him from the side and fake sobbing on his shoulder, while Chang bin chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes, patting Felix's back softly, whispering something in his ear which made the boy stop (fake) crying and look at Chang bin with a big smile. "Really?" Felix asked the older boy with big eyes who nodded, softly pushing the bangs of off the younger boy's forehead who smiled brightly. 

Min ho who was watching the couple, who seemed to be in their own world, glanced towards his dorm mate who was standing next to Seung min and Hyun jin. He was listening to Hyun jin and softly smiling as Hyun jin said something funny, Seung min besides him, giggled. But Min ho's attention was on someone else.

"Is everyone here? Wait let me count. One... four... six... eigh- Wait where's Jeong In?" Chan asked as he was counting heads before they all turned when they heard a familiar shout. "Wait! I'm here! Don't go without me!" The oldest two chuckled as they saw the youngest running, more like waddling towards them. He finally reached the group, bending down he placed his hands on his knees as he began to catch his breath. "Well that makes the nine of us, let's go". And with that they started to walk towards the arcade. Woo jin and Chan, along with Jeong In were leading the way. Behind them were Chang bin, who was holding his boyfriend's hand since Felix would get easily distracted. Hyun jin, Ji sung were walking besides Seung min since the younger boy couldn't walk fast because of his legs and besides them was Min ho who was walking, leaving some distance between them.

Min ho's eyes went to the couple in front of them and on their hands, that were holding each other's. Min ho's eyes then went to his own hand and then the boy besides him, who was listening to Seung min. Min ho cleared his throat, placing his hand in his pocket and continued walking quietly.

A quiet soft gasp left out of Ji sung's mouth as he felt something or someone hold his hand. He turned away from Seung min, who was talking about Day6, his favorite band and their new song and his cheeks turned red as he saw his hand being held. His heart beating really fast as he looked up to see Min ho quietly walking, eyes looking at the front. He bit his lower lip, trying to stop himself from smiling when he saw only a slight bit of pink on the older boy's cheeks, below his eyes.

Luckily none of their friends noticed their hands because they were so absorbed in their own conversations, not seeing the two blushing boys who were walking hand in hand.


"Okay, you all are free you roam around, but keep your ringer on of your phones, we'll meet at the food court, in front of Burger King in two hours". Chan explained, earning a nod from everyone and soon every one went different ways in group which was expected. Min ho decided he should just roam around and see if he found something interesting.

He roamed around the whole arcade, he saw Seung min, Jeong In, Woo jin and Chan playing laser tag, not Seung min, he was just looking at them, when he was roaming around. An hour and a half went away when he saw Chang bin and Felix and it seemed like Chang bin was playing something. It was a basket ball kind of game, how many basket balls throw and went to the hoop in two minutes. Min ho stopped to see who Chang bin was playing. Felix was standing on the side, cheering for the older boy. At the end Chang bin won by putting 38 basket balls through the hoop. Felix jumped in joy and threw himself of his boyfriend who wrapped his arms around the boy's waist, and spin'ed the boy around. By the time they stopped, Felix had his arms around Chang bin's neck, as he was still being carried by Chang bin's arms around his waist. Felix looked down at his boyfriend, leaning in to kiss the boy who replied to the kiss without any hesitation. Min ho stared at the couple.

"Oh M-Min ho hyung!" Felix's cheeks turned red as he saw Min ho looking at them. Chang bin noticed the older boy too and placed down Felix, who hid his face in Chang bin's chest because of the embarrassment of being caught kissing. "Everything okay?" Chang bin asked Min ho with a smile, who realized what was going on and shook his head. "I was just looking around. Sorry to disturb you two". Chang bin shook his head, arm wrapped around Felix's waist. "It's okay". Min ho nodded and walked away.

"Oh come on!" The familiar voice caught Min ho's attention who was roaming around. He turned to see Ji sung standing near a machine, trying to get a toy. Min ho ignored his heart beat getting faster as he walked towards the boy, who still hadn't noticed his dorm mate. Ji sung placed his forehead on the machine, closing his eyes as he let out a sigh. "You okay there?" Ji sung's eyes flew open, quickly he turned to see Min ho looking at him. "O-Oh Min ho s-sun bae ... yeah i'm fine". Min ho nodded and then turned to the machine which had different plushies in it. He turned to the younger boy who was looking down at his feet, before turning to the machine. "Which one do you want?" Ji sung looked up from his feet to see Min ho looking at the machine. "Huh? O-Oh uh that one ...". Min ho saw Ji sung's finger pointing towards a rabbit plushie. Min ho quietly inserted a token, which everyone had gotten when they entered the arcade.  Ji sung quietly looked at Min ho who was playing.

Ji sung watched Min ho soon bending down and placing his hand inside the machine, grabbing the plushie which he had just won. "Here". Min ho held the plushie towards the younger boy, refusing to make any eye contact. "O-oh .. thank you". Min ho quietly watched how Ji sung took the plushie and hugged it closer to his chest. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head, trying to make his heart stop from beating so fast. He didn't want the younger one to hear it.

"D-Do you want anything else? I'll win it for you". Ji sung looked down at his feet, but Min ho saw his cheeks turning red. "W-Well.."


"Woah Ji sung, that's a lot of stuff there". Woo jin said as he saw the different prizes which were held by Ji sung who tried to hide his blush. They all were standing in front of Burger King, Ji sung had just arrived, alone. Jeong In pouted as he saw the stuff Ji sung won and then looked at the two items which he had won (with the help of the older boys). "Wow you won a lot of stuff hyung ...". Chan ruffled the boy's hair who was still pouting. "Come on, I'll buy you a happy meal from McDonalds". Jeong in's pouted turned to a big smile, squeaking.

"Oh there's Min ho hyung!" Hyun jin said, pointing at Min ho who was walking towards them. "Hey there, Min ho. You had fun, what did you win?" Chan asked as he looked at Min ho from head to toe, trying to see what the boy won. Min ho pulled out his hand from his pocket, showing a key chain to the others, it was half a heart.

"Even I won more than him". Seung min mumbled under his breath. "Okay let's get something to eat". Everyone started to walk towards the food court. Felix, who was walking besides Ji sung, saw something. "Oh? You won a key chain just like Min ho hyung?" He asked, as he saw the key chain that Ji sung was holding. Ji sung's cheeks turned red. "O-Oh .I-I guess he played the g-game where I won this from t-too..." Thank god Felix was dumb. "Oh okay". He started to walk ahead, now walking besides his boyfriend, kissing his cheek, Chang bin smiled to Felix as the older boy held all the prizes he and Felix won.

Ji sung took a glance at the boy who was walking besides Chan and smiled a little as he saw the key chain which he could see from Min ho's pocket. "Come on Ji sung!" Ji sung was pulled back to his sense, walking a little faster and joined his best friend.

What do you think? I'll be updating much more since this will end in a few chapters.

-Your sad girl :<

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