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Ji sung sighed as the bell rang. It was the third period, Physics to be exact and Ji sung sucked at Physics and every other subject except for English. He quietly walked into the room where his class would take place, without looking up.

When he entered the class, everyone got quiet and the whispering started, fingers were pointed towards him. This was nothing new of course. He bit his lower lip and walked to the end of the class, near the window where he used to sit alone everyday and in every class. Apparently no one wanted to sit with him, except for Seung min. Thinking about Seung min, it caused him to let out a sigh. It was true that he had hurt Ji sung, but he was always there for him, no matter how much he tried to push him away. Seung min was always there and he still is.

Soon the teacher entered and everyone went to their seats. "Okay class, before we start our lecture today there's someone who will be joining us from today". Everyone started to whisper to each other, which made the teacher quiet them down. "Now I want you all to be nice and give a warm welcome". Everyone let out a 'yes'. Mrs. Song, the physics teacher turned to the door and told the new student to come inside.

The door opened and the new student took a step inside the class, only revealing the school's shoes. But soon the new student entered, everyone's eyes widened. A few girls squealed and the boys let out a 'woah'. He stood next to Mrs. Song as he faced the class. Mrs. Song telling him to introduce himself.

"Hello. My name is Hwang Hyun jin and I just shifted to Seoul. It's nice meeting you and i hope we all get along". He bowed and everyone clapped, he also earned cheers and smiled at the warm welcome. "Now is there any spare seat for Mr. Hwang to sit?" Ji sung froze on his spot. Everyone turned to the boy and whispered. He just stared down at his feet, biting his lower lip and trying his best to not have a panic attack.

"There is one. Hyun jin, go sit next to Han Ji sung at the back of the class". Hyun jin looked at where the teacher had pointed and nodded. Everyone watching his every move. Ji sung's grip on his pen got tighter on every foot step the new boy took.

Hyun jin quietly sat down and looked at the his books. The teacher told them to revise the old topic as she was going to take a small test which made everyone groan and neitherless thry all opened their books and started to study, while some just started talking.

Hyun jin quietly turned to his desk mate, who was opening his notes. "You're name is Han Ji sung right?" Hyun jin tried to start up a conversation. Ji sung was a bit shocked but nodded. Everyone was sending him glares. "What do we have to revise?" His voice was smooth and calm, a small smile displayed on his lips. Ji sung was caught off guard, he wasn't used to people talking to him. But before he could even open his mouth, someone else spoke up.

"He doesn't talk to anyone. You can take mine if you want?" Lee Ji yeon, one of the pretty girls of the school. "Oh uh thank you?" Hyun jin took the notes and looked up at her, raising an eyebrow. "Ji yeon, I'm Lee Ji yeon". She twirled her hair, her lips displayed a flirty smile. "Well thank you Ji yeon". He turned to his desk mate and noticed his notes were half empty.

"Do you want to share with me?" Hyun jin asked. Ji sung finlly took a glance towards his desk mate. He was extremely handsome. Brown hair, fair skin, he had a mole under his eye and plump pink lips, a smile never leaving his face. Ji sung didn't know what happened, but he found himself nodding. Hyun jin's smile brighting and he pushed the book softly towards the middle. Ji sung looked at the notes and Hyun jin looked at him with a smile.

And that is how a new friendship started between the two boys.

Hwang Hyun jin is finally introduced and this is also the first time, I wrote from Ji sung's side.

I'm currently out of city for a wedding and I will go back to my house tomorrow. It's like 5 hours away.

Happy Belated Valentines day. How did you spent the valentines day? I spent mine in a car and watched some random videos of animals

Any theories?


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