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"What if he hates me?" Ji sung asked as they both were standing in front of their dorm. "He's your best friend. He'll never hate you". Min ho knew for sure. This is how best friends were. No matter how much of an idiot Chan is, Min ho could never hate him. "You'll be fine". Min ho mumbled, placing his hand on the knob and opened the door. Ji sung let out a deep breath, feeling scared of his beat friend's reaction.

"You found him!" Chan's yelled out, completely forgetting that it was currently four am. Woo jin woke up with a jolt while Jeong In was still in a deep slumber. Felix rubbed his eye as he woke up due to Chan's loud yell, Chang bin, Seung min and Hyun jin were already awake. As soon as Seung min's eyes landed on his best friend he stood up, with the help of his hand that was placed on the edge of the couch. Ji sung, who was standing next to Min ho, had his eyes on Seung min. He left guilty when he looked at his best friend's state. He had puffy red eyes from all the crying. All this because of something Seung min never did. It wasn't his fault. "S-Seung min I-" Ji sung was cut off my arms wrapped around his neck. "J-Ji sung you idiot". His lips turner into a small smile as tears ran down from his closed eyes to his cheeks. He held tight the younger boy in his arms. Seung min, who was hugging his best friend was also crying. "Seung m-min I-I'm so s-sorry". Ji sung said, buring his face in his best friend's neck who sobbed. "Don't apologise. It's not your fault. I-I'm so-sorry for l-leaving y-you". Ji sung shook his head. "Y-you never left me Min".

A sudden big 'Wahhh!' made Seung min and Ji sung break the hug and everyone turned their attention towards a big sobbing Felix. "This is so sad. Binnie Binnie. I'm so happy they are back to being best friends". Chang bin, who was sitting besides Felix, who whad his grip around Chang bin's arm just rolled his eyes at the younger boy, while the other's just chuckled at the young Austrailian.

The sudden loud sound which was made by Felix, caused Jeong In to wake up and rub his eyes. "What's going on?" He wqs still sitting on Woo jin's lap, who had a smile on his lips as he looked at the cute younger boy. Jeong in got the answer to his own question as he spotted Ji sung standing. His lips turned into a big smile. "Ji sungie hyung! You're back!" He rushed to Ji sung and quickly hugged him. Ji sung, who wasn't used to all this affection, smiled and hugged back the youngest.

After that everyone gave a hug to Ji sung, including a dramatically sobbing Felix, who wasn't letting Ji sung break the hug as he hugged the boy for more than 5 minutes and kept on blabbering about how happy he is and soon the topic changed to how he likes chicken nuggets while he continued sobbing. It would've been a long hug if Chang bin didn't drag the young Australian to their own dorm after saying his good bye's. Hyun jin was the last to give Ji sung a hug. He placed his arms around Ji sung's waist. "You okay Sungie?" The boy in his arms nodded as he looked at the boy. "Thank you for being my friend". Hyun jin smiled. "Thank you for being mine". Hyun jin broke the hug and ruffled the younger boy's hair who smiled

From a bit far, Min ho stared at the two. His heart felt uneasy. "You okay there mate?" He turned to Chan and nodded. "Yeah i'm fine". After a few more minutes. Hyun jin, Chan, Woo jin with a sleeping Jeong-in in his arms decided it was really late, and they had school in only a few hours. Seung min was staying over since the two boys had a lot to ketchup. (see what I did there? Chan would be proud of me) Min ho let out a sigh, feeling quite tired.

Seung min was in Ji sung's room as he felt a bit tired, waiting for Ji sung who was bidding good bye to Hyun jin. Min ho was on his was to his room when he heard Ji sung call him out. He turned his to his left to see his dorm mate looking at me. "T-thank you.." Min ho nodded as a 'it's fine' and walked inside his room after Ji sung went to his own.

How do you like it so far? Any theories?

Q. What's your blood type?

A. B+

Ji sung's lover has been introduced and half of the theory about his life have been revealed. Half of it is still left, not like a half but I guess a little bit of it, which is quite easy to understand.

I will also write some stuff about the other ships in the story so be prepared also this book isn't ending right. I still have things planned inside my mind so I will make the chapter's bigger.

Also I want to write another story but I have like two plots. If I write one, will you read it?

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It gives me motivation to update more and more.

-Your sad girl :<

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