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Min ho's eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of his eyes. Ji sung rushed inside the dorm and locked the door behind him. "What the hell happened to you?" Was the first thing Min ho spoke up, well in a little raised voice that is. Ji sung's back leaned against the door as he sobbed quietly.

"I-It's no-nothin-g..." Ji sung whispered, trying to breathe. He wanted to ask him and know the truth but he knew it wasn't the right time to ask. Ji sung wasn't in the shape to get nagged and scolded at. But before he could even ask a thing , Ji sung ran to his room and locked his door, leaving Min ho all confused.

Why the hell was his dorm mate covered in blood and bruises? and why was he crying?


Two days passed away and there was no sign of Ji sung. The younger one had locked himself in his room and didn't come out. Min ho never saw him. He knocked the door, but he never answered and when Min ho would wake up for school it would seem like Ji sung had already left. As for when he came back from dance practice, Ji sung would be locked inside his room. Min ho didn't knew why the hell he was worrying about Ji sung, may be it was because this was the first time he had seen Ji sung cry and covered in blood and cry... 

"Min ho! Yah Lee Min ho!" He got out of his thoughts and looked up to see Chan with a worried expression on his face. "What?" Min ho asked. "I've been calling your name for the past 3 minutes you okay there man? you seemed to be really lost in your thoughts.. and some sad thoughts". Chan spoke, his voice slowly getting smaller as he ended the sentence. "Why would you think that?" He asked, actually interested in why Chan had said that. "I don't know man, you had a frown on your face". Chan explained, Min ho sighed in return, shaking his head. "No it's nothing". It was lunch break and the two friends were sitting in the grounds, eating their lunch.

"Is it something related to your family? Is it your mom?" Chan asked. He knew what Min ho was like. Min ho never expressed how he was feeling and never shared his thoughts or his secrets. Which made Chan worry all the time since he would never know when things were bugging Min ho. "No Chan, It's fine, I'm fine". Chan pressed his lips together, giving up knowing Min ho wouldn't open up. He sighed. Min ho looked up from his food, feeling bad. Chan was a really good guy, no matter how many times Min ho pushed him away, Chan never felt him and was always by his side. He sighed before speaking up.

"It's my dorm mate.." He mumbled and Chan heard it, quickly leaning in a little. "What about him? Did something happen between you two?" Chan asked, earning a shake of head from Min ho. "No it's not that... It's just". It was quite hard for Min ho to explain since this was the first time he was sharing something with someone, even Chan. "He's been acting really weird". and then Min ho explained how he had found the blade in the bath room, or the bruises on his dorm mate's face. "And two days ago at night, he appeared in the dorm with blood on his face and when I asked him what happened he said it was nothing and went to his room, I haven't seen him since then". Min ho finished explaining. Chan let out a 'hmm' processing everything. "How about you ask him? It seems like he's being bullied from what you said". 

Bullied? there weren't kids that were bullied in the school , since every one could stand up for themselves. "What's your dorm mates name anyway? I know a few kids who get bullied but none of them get this much bullied that it's physical". Chan asked. Min ho sighed, speaking up. "Han Ji sung". and Chan froze after that.

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