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Before i start the chapter. I have seen some comments saying how stupid Min ho is and how he should care and know.

In this story, Min ho's character is very simple and has lead a very simple life. He has never in his life experienced anything like what Ji sung has faced and is facing. Also Min ho's character is very emotionless and all his life he had lived his life quietly, without any disturbance(or did he?). He had told himself to always mind his own business. Which is also why he kept telling himself to mind his own business when Ji sung was hurting. All this is very new to him and he doesn't know what to do. He never dealt with someone like Ji sung's character.
As for Ji sung's character, he's weak and cries easily because of some events in his life. He's broken. They both have completely different personalities. That is why Min ho always thinks 'stupid questions'.

That would be all. Enjoy reading.
-Your sad girl :<


"There's a ball coming up at school". Woo jin had told them (Chan and Min ho) during their class. "When is it?" Chan asked back, excited about the upcoming ball party. "It's in two weeks". Woo jin replied. It was only Chan paying attention, Min ho was just quietly reading his book. "Which means I have a week and a half to get myself a date". Chan said making Woo jin's cheeks turn a bit red. "Do you have anyone in mind?" Woo jin asked, placing his chin on top of his hand which was resting on the desk. "I do actually". Min ho rolled his eyes and let out a sigh making the two boys realize that they weren't alone.

"What about you Min ho? Who are you going to ask?" Woo jin asked and it made Chan burst into laughter making Min ho let out a sigh at his best friend's behaviour and Woo jin jist awkwardly looked at the Australian boy. After exact 3 minutes of Chan's loud laughter he finally calmed down. "I guess I didn't knew that you guys have inside jokes". Woo jin awkwardly spoke, Chan wiped the tears that formed in his eyes because of laughing so hard.

"No no i'm sorry i didn't mean to laugh like that". Min ho let out an 'uh huh', his eyes still on his book, but Chan continued. "Min ho's not really a party person. Everyone knows he won't be going". Chan explained. The ball happened every year at the school and Min ho never went to even one of them, no matter how much Chan tried to convince Min ho. He just wouldn't go. A lot of girls would asked him each year and each year his answer would be the same.

"Oh". Was all Woo jin could say because the bell had rang. Min ho picked up his books and left the class with the two males, trailing behind him as they talked with each other.

Short chapter because i have a dance performance in a school. They had invited me there, i'm lowkey nervous and scared because it isn't my own school.

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. Do you like sunsets and sunrise?

A. Yes i love them. As I have insomnia I usually see both of them very often.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It makes me want to update more and more.

-Your sad girl :<

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