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"Your Birthday is coming up, any thing you want?" Chan asked as they were on their way back from class. Lunch break had just started, Min ho and Chan were heading to their lockers to put their stuff. "I already told you so many times that I don't want any thing for my birthday". Min ho spoke. It had become a tradition, every year Chan would ask his best friend what he would like as a birthday gift, every year Min ho would tell him not to get him anything, every year Chan would bring something for Min ho on his birthday, every year Min ho would roll his eyes at the sight of Chan's gift on his birthday. "Oh come on. You can't say that what am I suppose to get for you on your birthdayyyy?" Chan whined and Min ho sighed as they reached their lockers.

"Just get something other than the Avenger's action figures". Every year Chan gets one for Min ho on his birthday. "But you used to love the Avenger's back when we were kids".
Chan whined again. "You did Chan. You used to force me to watch The Avengers with you". Okay maybe that's true.

They both placed their stuff in their lockers and walked to their usual spot where they eat lunch with the others. As they spotted the others, Min ho glanced at his best friend who was turning red. "What's up with you?" Min ho asked the older boy who bite his lower lip as he tried to stop himself from smiling. "Woo jin..."

"What about him?" Min ho raised an eyebrow. Chan's cheeks turned more red as he spoke the next sentence. "He kissed me on the cheek". Min ho was honestly speechless, as he heard what Chan had said.

"Guess he's going to get into a poly relationship". Min ho thought to himself as he saw Chan hugging Woo jin and then Jeong In. He nodded his head and sat down when they all greeted him. Min ho didn't bring lunch since he wasn't feeling so hungry but he did get a diet coke with a new book to read. Chan of course, didn't have anything to say because he knew Min ho wouldn't listen to him.

"Hyung, what happened to your hand?" Min ho looked up at Felix who had asked him and shrugged. "Dance practice". He simply replied, Felix's mouth got shaped into an 'O' and nodded as he bought the excuse Min ho had made and went back to eating.

"Seung min-ah!" They all turned their heads when they heard Woo jin's younger brother's name, who was sitting with them. Min ho turned his head with the other's to see two very familiar people, one of them being Ji sung and the other being the new boy, Hwang Hyun jin. It seemed like Hyun jin was the one who called out Seung min's name cause it looked like Ji sung didn't want to come but Hyun jin had grabbed his wrist and dragged him.

"We wanted to ask how you were? We didn't get to ask you before because of class". Hyun jin spoke beaming his popular smile. "O-oh yeah, I'm good. Thanks for asking and helping me". Seung min himself, didn't see it coming. "Oh no it's our pleasure, right Sungie?"

"Sungie?" Min ho thought.

"Sungie....?" Thought Seungmin.

"SuNgIe¿?!?¿!?¿!?" Thought Chan.

Ji sung hesitately and slowly nodded, practically hiding behind Hyun jin, who was much taller than Ji sung. Min ho's eyes landed on their hands. Hyun jin's hand was grabbing Ji sung's wrist. It made him think about the events that happened last night.

"What ever happens.... don't let go".

Min ho shook his head and looked down. No one noticed, no one except one of them.

"You must be Seung min's friends?" Woo jin, Seung min's older brother asked. "Yeah i guess we are". Hyun jin said and then nodded. "Do you guys want to sit with us?" Chan asked. Min ho looked up from his book and glared at Chan, who pretended that he didn't see Min ho glaring right at his soul.

"At this rate, he's going to invite the whole school to sit with us". Min ho thought. "Would that be okay?" Hyun jin asked. Min ho noticed how his dorm mate's eyes widened as he heard Hyun jin. "Sure, we wouldn't mind".

And that is how the nine of them got together.

What do you all think? Any theories?

Q. Which male groups do you stan?

A. I have them in a order.
1. BTS
2. Stray Kids
3. Monsta X, NCT, Seventeen.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It gives me motivation to update more and more.

-Your sad girl :<

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