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"Where have you been?" Seung min asked the moment the younger one had entered the apartment. It was almost midnight, Min ho had been awake all night to waited for him, Seung min had asked if he could stay at the dorm until Ji sung. Min ho was of course against it at first, but he felt bad. Seung min was physically disabled, he had climbed all those stairs with crutches just to see his friend so he allowed him. Besides as much as the dorm was Min ho's it was also Ji sung's, so his friends would come over. Min ho was in his room when he heard Seung min's voice, he figured that Ji sung had came back. He walked towards the door ready to go to the living room but stop.

"What happened to your face?"

"What are you doing here?" Ji sung asked, this was the first time he had heard Ji sung saying something without stuttering and sounding so... broken. "You weren't replying to my texts or my calls. I got worried". Seung min explained. Min ho knew he shouldn't be listening to someone else's conversation but he also deserved to know what happened.

"You shouldn't be here..." Ji sung said as he looked at the wall. Anywhere but Seung min. "Ji sung please. I'm worried about you".

"You shouldn't be... we're not friends anymore". Ji sung was trying his best to not break down at that moment. "Why not Ji sung? We've been friends for a year and then you decide that you don't want to be friends with me? I don't care what you say. But i'm not leaving until you tell me why you've acting like this? Why you've been ignoring me so much?" Seung min stood up in front of his friend who was already tearing up.

"P-please go away... don't make things harder for me.." Ji sung spoke up, his voice breaking in the end.

"Does it have anything to do with it him?"

That whole sentence made Ji sung break down. He let out a sob. Seung min regretted mentioning him the second those words left his mouth. "Ji sung i-i'm so sor-" before he could even finish his sentencem Ji sung ran to his room and locked the door. Seung Min stood outside and sighed. He bit his lower lip. Walking to the door with his crutches, he left.

Min ho stood behind the door of his bed room and sighed, closing the door he rested his back against it. He walked to his study table and tried to finish the rest of the topic he had to learn for the exams that were still a month away but he needed to study. But he couldn't. No matter how much he tried to focus, he couldn't. The whole talk roamed around his head. He let out a deep breath.

After trying for 5 minutes to study, he gave up deciding to call it a night. He closed his books and got ready for bed. Turning off the lights, he lied down in his bed and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.

But he couldn't.

He opened his eyes when he heard a familiar noise. The same noise he heard at his first night in the dorm. He tried to figure out what the sound was. But they seemed to be gone the moment he tried to focus. So he shrugged it off, but still got curious but it was too late. He had school in the morning. So he shut his eyes close, successfully falling asleep this time.

Version Of Me | MinSung |Where stories live. Discover now