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Min ho quietly closed the door behind his back and let out a sigh of relief. It was currently 5:30 am and he had sneaked back into his house. The thing is, it wasn't that hard to sneak out of the dorm, what was hard was leaving a sleepy and cuddly Ji sung. 

When Min ho woke up and he realized it was five am and he had to leave before anyone sees him because he was still suspended and not allowed in the school or the dorms. He rubbed his eyes and was about to get out of bed after realizing that he had to get out as soon as he woke up but as soon as he was about to move but couldn't. His vision got clear and his heart beat stopped when he saw Ji sung's arms wrapped around his neck and his face buried in his neck. Min ho didn't have the heart to wake his dorm mate up because he seemed so tired but he had to leave. After spent about five minutes, trying to get out of Ji sung's grip which he finally succeeded in.

He picked up his phone and his jacket, that he had taken off and started to walk away but stopped and looked back at the boy in his bed, sleeping. He but his lower lip before turning back and stood in front of the boy who was fast asleep. Bending down, he softly kissed the younger boy's forehead with his eyes closed and then left the dorm. Luckily no one was wake at that time so he successfully sneaked out.

As soon as he entered his room he was really exhausted and absolutely tired. He felt as if he would drop dead out of tiredness. He stopped on his tracks when he saw something, more like someone on the floor. It was his half sister, Song Ryuji, crawling around. She sat on the cold floor and stared at Min ho. Min ho raised his eyebrows and looked around, not really knowing it was him she was staring at. 

She then started crawling towards him and sat in front of him, looking up. Min ho looked down at his feet, where she sat and stared at him with big eyes.

"What?" Min ho asked, not really remembering that this was a two year old baby he was talking to. Min ho sighed and massaged his forehead and was about to walk away when Ryuji raised her hands up. Min ho grew into more confusion. "What? What do you want?" What he was more confused about is why is this two year old baby, awake at five in the morning and crawling around the house. She raised her arms and soon Min ho realized something. "You want me to pick you up?" Ryuji nodded. Min ho sighed, all he wanted to do was to go to sleep and now this. He stared at the baby and started to figure out how to hold her. He had never in his life held a baby in his hands so don't blame him.

Min ho bend down, placing his hands under Ryuji's arms and pulled her up. Min ho was not up straight while Ryuji had placed her hands on Min ho's shoulder and stared at him.  Min ho looked around, in hopes of dropping Ryuji back to her room so he could get some sleep but the thing was he had no idea where her room was or either if she slept in her parents room. 

Min ho opened the door to his bed room and entered with her step sister in his arms, who looked around the older boy's room. It was quite simple but big. The walls were painted white, There was a study table, a closet, a book shelf and a double bed with side drawers. Min ho went to his bed and placed Ryuji on it. He placed his hands on his hips and stared at the baby who stared back at him. 

Min ho looked around and sighed. He had no choice but to have Ryuji stay here. He stared at the baby who was now yawning and had sleepy eyes. Min ho furrowed his eyebrows and placed his hand on the baby's stomach, giving her a small push causing the baby to lie down on the bed. Min ho shook his head and gave up on the thought of being alone. He took of his shirt and went to the other side of the bed. Placing himself under the covers, keeping some distance between himself and Ryuji. He closed his eyes, letting out a breath and soon went to sleep along with Ryuji.

What do you think? I'm thinking if I should end this soon or still keep the story going? Should I?

-Your sad girl :<

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