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Min ho hummed as he read his book. It was currently 11 pm. He had came back from the dance studio. After getting refreshed and eating something light, he had decided to study for a few hours since he didn't feel sleepy or tired. He didn't see Ji sung in the dorm, figuring out that the younger must've been out since he usually wasn't at the dorm at his time. Min ho never asked where he went or why he would come to the dorm so late. It wasn't his business.

"S-sunbae?" Min ho looked up from his books and turned to the door of his room, where he heard his name and his room mate knocking the door. "Come in". He said, looking back at his notes, he had a Chemistry test tomorrow and of course just like always he had already been prepared for the test and was ahead of everyone else in his class.

Ji sung nervously entered the older's room. It was the first time he had actually seen Min ho's room. They both never went to each other's room. Min ho did once actually, when he first came to the dorm but after Ji sung came to the dorm he never went there. They both respected each other's privacy. Ji sung was still standing at the door. He held his own hand as he looked at the floor, too scared to look at Min ho which made the older one raise an eyebrow.

Why was Ji sung feeling scared of him?

"What is it?" Min ho asked, bringing his attention from his books to the boy standing in front of him. "I-I..." Ji sung's voice had stuck been in his own mouth. "Hm?" Min ho asked, getting a bit curious on the younger's sudden appearance.

"I-I want-ed to ask i-if it was ok-ay if i h-had some p-people ov-er...?" Min ho noticed how the younger one was biting his lower lip. His eyes shaking a bit, he refused to look at Min ho, his body was a bit shaking.

Min ho furrowed his eyebrows when he heard the younger's words. Why was he asking Min ho? it was just his dorm, as much as the dorm belonged to Min ho, it also belonged to Ji sung. He could do what he wanted, he didn't have to ask the older one for having people over since Chan along with Woo jin, Jeong in and now Felix, would crash at his dorm all the time, making Min ho shut the door at his best friend's face when he would show up at late night or disturb Min ho. And of course Chan didn't care, he would still barge in the dorm, eating snacks or other things. Woo jin and the other two would still behave but not Chan.

"Sure". Min ho said, he didn't want to ask anything else, seeing how Ji sung would've said who wanted to have over but didn't. So just like always he didn't ask anything.

He saw how Ji sung's body slowly calmed down, how he had stopped shaking. "T-thank you". He did a 90° bow, just like he would always do. One thing Min ho had noticed about Ji sung. He was someone who would have his guard up all the time and he wouldn't get comfortable with everyone, just like himself. Min ho nodded, watching the younger's figure leaving his room and the door closing. He let out a sigh and returned back to his books, continuing what he had left.

Version Of Me | MinSung |Where stories live. Discover now