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"What happened?" Chan asked. They were sitting in the living room. Ji sung was lying on the couch, his head on Woo jin's lap. While Chan, Min ho and Jeong In were standing in front of them. "I don't know, i heard something breaking in the kitchen so i went to go and check, he was standing there and before i could even say a thing he started telling me that it was an accident and not to hurt him and then as he bent down to pick up the pieces of the glass, he collapsed". Min ho explained. They all looked at ji sung who had fallen asleep right after he calmed down.

"It's getting late we should head back". Woo jin said and they all nodded. "You should stay with him, incase he wakes up" Chan said and before Min ho could say anything he had already out of the dorm. "Bye hyung". Jeong in bowed a little in front of the older one and left. Woo jin slowly removed Ji sung from his lap, putting a blanket on top of Ji sung so he doesn't feel cold and followed them, nodding towards Min ho as a 'good night' and soon he was left alone with a sleeping Ji sung.

He sighed, looking at the younger one who was asleep. He knew he had no choice but to stay with the younger one. He sat on the floor, leaning his head against the couch where Ji sung's feet were and looked at the younger's face.

After hearing Chan's words about Ji sung, he couldn't help but feel pity. Why did he try to kill himself last year? Slowly the dots started to get connected. The blade in the bathroom that had blood on it, the bruises on Ji sung's face, and the crying he heard on the first night in the dorm. He massaged his own forehead and let out a sigh.

It's not my problem. I shouldn't care.

He thought to himself. Slowly tiredness took over him and before he knew it he had already fallen asleep.


Min ho opened his eyes as he heard some noise from the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes looking around, not remembering how he had ended up on the floor in the living room. But soon memories from last night came to him causing him to look at the couch for any sign of the boy only to find it empty. He got up, looked around.

"Ji sung?" He heard the bath room door open and soon met Ji sung's eyes who froze when he saw Min ho. "O-oh mi-n ho sunbae?" Ji sung quickly bowed in respect and then stood straight. "I-I..." Min ho looked at the boy who was trying his best to not make any eye contact with the older. "I wanted t-to apologise to you and to y-your friends ... f-for having a panic at- for what happened yester-day. And for breaking the gla-ss. I-I'll pay for it!" Min ho observed the younger one before shaking his head. "It's fine. There's no need to apologise and for buying a new glass". Ji sung let out an 'o-oh'.

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