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It was about 6 am in the morning. Ji sung softly moved a little before his eyes opened, because of a sudden pain in his head. He was having a headache, he sighed and finally looked around to notice that he was in the living room, on the couch specifically. He was about to rub his eyes when he felt something. He turned his head and froze when he saw Min ho's face only centimeters away from his own. He softly gasped when he noticed how close their faces were. Ji sung looked down at his body, his own hands were on Min ho's chest while the older boy's arms were wrapped around his waist. He hesitated but looked at the older boy's face. The events of last night came to his head causing him to let out a sigh. He hated it, he hated looking so miserable in front of people.

Ji sung stared at the older's face for the first time. Ji sung realized how Min ho was extremely handsome. He had smooth skin, no sign of any ache, pimple, no dark circles, nothing at all. Min ho's eyelashes were long. His hair were covering his forehead and at last his eyes landed on his lips. They were plump, pink and looked soft. His lips were also really attractive.

Min ho's eyes fluttered open, blinking three times before he was fully awake. When he saw the younger boy in his arms, staring back at him. They didn't do anything and neither did they say anything, just stared in each other's eyes. The sound of birds chripping was heard in the living room. Ji sung was the first one to look away, after he realizing what was going on, feeling embarrassed. Min ho saw how the boy who was 'still' in his arms looked everywhere except but him.

"What time is it?" Min ho asked as he looked around. Ji sung let his eyes wander on the clock before replying. "I-It's six am", And earned a nod. Min ho began to wonder why the boy hadn't got up so he looked at his face. It seemed like Ji sung was having trouble with something, Like he wanted to say something. "What is it?" Min ho asked in his deep raspy morning voice which brought the younger's attention. "I- well..." and it seemed like the stuttering, quiet version of his dorm mate was back, but he didn't mind. "A-About last n-night..."

"Oh, that?"

"You don't have to give me any explanation". Min ho watched how Ji sung let out a quiet sigh of relief. "But-" Ji sung turned to face the older boy, who took Ji sung's phone from the table and tapped on the screen  for a few times before he completed his sentence.

"-if you ever want to just give me a call".

What do you all think? Any theories?

I have decided to write one question in the end of every chapter.

Q. How old are you?

A. I'm 16, soon to be 17.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

-Your sad girl :<

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