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"oH mY gOd WhAt HaPpEnEd To YoU?!?!??!"

Min ho covered his ears when he heard his best friend shout. "Chan be quiet, it's late". Woo jin said as he was cleaning up Min ho's face.

After the whole fight, Ji sung and Min ho went to their dorms without getting caught by any teachers or any student seeing them. When they reached their dorm, Ji sung had insisted on taking Min ho to the doctors which Min ho declined since he thought it wasn't big of a deal. But Ji sung kept on insisting and Min ho knew the younger was blaming himself so he agreed on calling Woo jin to help him, since he didn't want Ji sung to feel guilty and blame himself. Now since he didn't have Woo jin's phone number, he called his Australian best friend to ask for Woo jin's phone number but Chan being the nosy person he is and a very caring best friend, kept on asking.

So he told his best friend to just tell Woo jin to come over to his dorm. Alone. With no one else. Only him. Unaccompanied. Unassited. By himself. Companionless. Solo.

Yet when Woo jin came, Chan was with him. Sighs.

And now he was sitting on Min ho's bed, bombaring him with questions as Woo jin cleaned the blood on Min ho's face. And Ji sung? Well he was in his room, Min ho hadn't seen him after Woo jin and Chan had arrived.

Min ho hissed as he felt a sting on his cheek. "Done". Woo jin said after he placed everything back in the first aid kit and looked at Min ho's face. He had a black eye and a bruise on his left cheek, his right had was a bruised and the corner of his lips were also bruised. "Thanks". Min ho mumbled to Woo jin, who smiled and nodded, mumbling back a 'no problem'.

It was currently midnight and they had school in the morning. "You should skip classes for today". Chan, who had finally calmed down, spoke. "I'm fine, i'll just put in some makeup to hide my bruises. I can't skip classes". Chan sighed and nodded, he knew it was no use to convince Min ho since the younger would do what he wants.

"Does Ji sung know about this?" Chan asked and the room went silent. Woo jin turned to Min ho who was quietly staring at the ceiling before letting out a sigh and nodding. The two older boys shared a look before getting up and bidding Min ho goodnight.

As they stepped outside the room and closed Min ho bed room's door. Chan stopped as he saw Ji sung curled up on the couch. He looked at Woo jin who looked back at him before walking to the boy. Woo jin bend down and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, Ji sung's eyes slowly opened as he felt something on his shoulder.

"Ji sung...", Woo jin called out.

"Is M-Min ho sunbae o-kay now...?" He asked looking at the boys who shared another look before turning to the younger boy. "He's fine now Ji sung". A small sigh of relief let Ji sung's mouth. "That's good..", he mumbled. His eyes started to close. Chan took off his jacket, seeing how the boy was all curled up. He placed it on top of him and after that the two boys left the dorm.

Chan was walking Woo jin back to his dorm. "I'll see you in class?" Woo jin asked and Chan nodded. "Try to get some sleep please". Woo jin's words made Chan smile. Back a year or two Chan had shared the fact that he has insomnia, with Woo jin. Ever since then Woo jin would always tell him to get some sleep, even though it wasn't easy but Chan apperciated the fact that Woo jin cared. "I will". He softly replied. Woo jin turned to enter his dorm but stopped. "Oh and i forgot to tell you something". Chan nodded as a 'go on'.

He froze when he felt something soft on his cheek. Woo jin had just kissed him, on the cheek. His cheeks started to turn red, he looked at Woo jin, who himself was blushing.

"See you later Chan-ah". With that Woo jin went inside, leaving a overly joyed Christopher in the empty hallway, who was jumping around and fist pumping in the air.

Woochan at it's finest.
What do you think? Any theories?

Q. What is your birth star?

A. Aries ♈

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It gives me motivation to update.

-Your sad girl :<

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